Tell Your U.S. Senators To Hold a Vote for The Life at Conception Act!

2 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

Our nation has the opportunity to defeat one of the greatest evils of our time – human abortion. With the Life at Conception Act introduced by Senator Rand Paul, our lawmakers have the ability to legislatively define what we know is a scientific fact – that human life begins at the moment of conception. Therefore, legal protection under the 14th Amendment for the right to life must be granted to all human beings, born and preborn!

The passage of The Life at Conception Act would be a major victory for the cause of life and could save millions of pre-born children from the unjustifiable act of abortion. However, before it can pass, the Life at Conception Act must be brought up for a vote in the U.S. Senate!

Many Senators claim to be pro-life but their actions say otherwise as they skirt around the issue and refuse to act on their pro-life claims! We must hold them accountable and make them Senator Rand Paul to hold a vote on this important piece of legislation!

Please sign your name to the letter below and send it to your Senator with one click to tell them to bring this life saving piece of legislation up for a vote! We must urge our legislators to uphold the sanctity of human life in our laws and do everything possible to guarantee equal protection for all persons.

You can read the full text of the Life at Conception Act here!

Send your letter today! Please share this page with your family and friends through email and social media. Together, let us continue to galvanize support for the preborn and ensure that the Life at Conception Act is brought up for a vote and then passed!

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