Demand an investigation into Obamacare’s abortion coverage!

4,644 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

Demand an investigation into Obamacare’s abortion coverage!

Obamacare is a disaster. But even worse than the Affordable Care Act’s dysfunctional website is its requirement that employers provide coverage for abortion-causing drugs and sterilization. This legislation undermines personhood for unborn children.

The Obamacare HHS mandate, which requires employers to pay for their employees’ abortion coverage, is a major threat to the right to life. The mandate leaves little exception for religious objection and freedom of conscience, forcing Christian employers to violate their principles and pay for abortions.

When Kathleen Sebelius testified before Congress, she admitted that taxpayers won’t know which insurance plans cover abortions and which ones don’t. That means Obamacare makes it impossible for those who respect life to ensure that their hard-earned dollars don’t go to fund abortion!

We need to demand transparency. Please sign your name to the letter on the next page and send it to your Congressional representatives with one click, to demand an investigation into Obamacare’s abortion coverage! We deserve to know which insurance plans cover abortion. We deserve answers from our government.

This is the easiest way to ensure that your legislators listen to you is by sending your letter today! Please share this page with your family and friends through email and social media. We need to know the truth about Obamacare’s abortion scam that is being foisted onto the American people. Let’s work together to end the deception! Send your letter right now!

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This is exactly the kind of treatment we should expect from the HHS in Obama's Amerika!

Wake up people! We are no longer living in a Republic and our Freedoms have been eroded by the evil Progressives!

2014 is the year to kick all of these Communist pigs out of office and take our country back!

Support Patriotic Conservative candidates for Congress and the Presidency in 2014 & 2016!

Vote for Freedom!
Vote for Liberty!!
Vote for America!!!
At this time in history, I have no recourse but to live with [Note: this does not mean "accept"] that the United States of America allows women to kill their unborn children. However, I do not have to accept paying for any woman's "right" to kill another living human being.
This use to be America 4 years ago! Why aren't the Republican party & all americans allowing Obama to get away with illegal changes in our constitution?
Obama has no right I mean no right to tell anyone that they must pay for an abortion no matter their feelings