Stop Senate ratification of the U.N.'s abortion-promoting disabilities treaty!

1,202 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

The Senate will vote on this radical U.N. treaty within days! It will promote abortion and abdicate American sovereignty to the U.N.

Send the letter below to your Senator, urging them to vote no!

Article 25 of U.N. disabilities treaty (or CRPD) guarantees free or affordable “sexual and reproductive health and population-based public health programmes.” In 2009, then-Secretary Clinton confirmed to the House Foreign Affairs Committee that “reproductive health includes access to abortion.”

In 2011, the Committee tasked with enforcing the treaty bullied Spain and Hungary to expand abortion provision. In 2005, they even declared that Peru’s protection of an unborn child with disabilities violated the treaty, calling Peru’s pro-life law “cruel and inhuman.”

Some countries have made reservations to the term "sexual and reproductive health," to clarify that they do not understand this term to include abortion. In response, the Disabilities Committee told countries they should remove all those reservations.

Personhood USA has been inside closed-door U.N. meetings where this treaty is called a ‘superseding instrument’ over national laws. Because of the way Article 25 is worded, there is a very real threat that the Committee could use its asserted quasi-juridicial power to bully the United States into providing public funding of abortion.

If ratified, the U.N. Convention would be considered the binding law of the land on par with the United States Constitution. It could allow the United Nations to dictate the extent to which the United States can protect human life in the womb, surrendering American sovereignty to unelected bureaucrats at the U.N.!

Send the letter below urging your Senator to vote no on the U.N.’s CRPD!

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Before babies were in mother's womb God knew them. For they were fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. Please protect these valuable, precious children.
You don't protect life by ending it.