Stop Senate ratification of the U.N.'s abortion-promoting disabilities treaty!

729 People Have Sent 1,202 Letters and Emails

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Some recent comments: these messages are published with permission of the signer.

Before babies were in mother's womb God knew them. For they were fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. Please protect these valuable, precious children.
You don't protect life by ending it.
Please do not allow the de-humanization of unborn human life, by any organization
We don't need NON US citizens dictating what we do or not do
This violates freedom of religion by forcing US citizens to be party to actions prohibited by my Catholic faith.
Please protect life - born or unborn.
God Help Us
Paradise, purgatory, hell and this world exist at the same time! So everything what we do is stored in eternity! Any disharmony must be filled with love!
Get out of the UN and get the UN out of our country!
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. - Matthew 18:6
Every life is precious, born or pre born!
Giving up freedom, attacking life - Let's not go that route!
Surrendering American sovereignty is unacceptable in any shape or form!
This prospective "treaty" is
nothing short of blatant sin &
utterly immoral! It must be
abolished BEFORE being
Abortion is murder of the most innocent and vulnerable among us. It is a cruel and painful death blow.
Abortion is murder!
I don't support any form of abortion, as I agree with the Didache that abortion is murder.
The biggest threat to civilization is the killing of babies.
No one has the RIGHT to take the life of a say her body her choice but the body inside her body is NOT her say her body her choice but deny the terminally ill the right to end their life...hypocrites! If one of these is wrong they are both wrong!!!
Keep the UN the hell out of our lives!

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