Tell Gov. Cuomo that New York values life!

180 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

Governor Andrew Cuomo recently said that “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life” have “no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.” In other words, the Governor was telling pro-life New Yorkers that if you don’t agree with his abortion politics, you should leave the state!

Governor Cuomo needs know how many New Yorkers support the right to life for all human beings. Please send this letter to Cuomo to tell him that you’re a pro-life New Yorker and you want him to stop pushing his radical pro-abortion agenda on our state!

Last year, Cuomo championed the failed Reproductive Health Act which sought to expand abortion access even later in pregnancy and to remove our few existing state restrictions on abortion. Now he wants to bring it back!

Newly elected Mayor Bill DeBlasio says he supports the Governor’s comments “100%” and is already doing everything he can to persecute Crisis Pregnancy Centers that are providing women with options other than abortion.

In New York City, 41% of pregnancies end in abortion. And 64% of New Yorkers think that’s too high. Yet Cuomo and DeBlasio keep pursuing their anti-life crusade against the babies.

There are many, many New Yorkers who support the right to life and the Governor’s office needs to hear our voices loud and clear!

We need Governor Cuomo to know that supporting life is NOT extreme! Instead, Cuomo’s position is the extreme one. He thinks babies in the latest stages of pregnancy should be legally killed! This is outrageous. Please send your letter to his office today by signing your name below!

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I've considered myself a New Yorker for 40 years, and have always loved the beauty and great people of our Finger Lakes. How stinging and hurtful were your words that said I am not a New Yorker because I believe little babies developing in the womb are human beings, with unique intrinsic worth, and deserve to live.
in cases of rape I agree the woman should decide if she wants to keep the baby.
It is precisely because I am a liberal and believe in social justice that I believe in protecting the lives of ALL human beings, including the pre-born.
There are alternatives to abortion. I believe that life begins at conception. Abortion is the murder of the most innocent of all.