Support the legislative effort to Free Justina

79 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

Should doctors and bureaucrats be able to treat children like property instead of persons? We don’t think so. That’s why we need you to stand up for Justina.

15-year-old Justina Pelletier is in the fight of her life. After being diagnosed and treated for a rare genetic disorder, Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) overruled the diagnosis and said it was “all just in her head.” With the help of the Department of Children and Families, they seized custody of Justina and locked her up in the psych ward—against her and her parents’ wishes.

Now a resolution is circulating in the Massachusetts State Assembly to Free Justina! We need you to urge the governor and state legislators to throw their weight behind this resolution. Please sign your name below and follow the instructions to send your letter! It's quick, easy, and most important—it makes a difference.

The State of Massachusetts and Boston Children’s Hospital need to honor the rights of Justina and her parents. This resolution calls on the Department of Children and Families to begin the process of releasing Justina back to her family so she can receive the proper care and therapy she needs. Justina’s health is rapidly deteriorating, so time is of the essence.

The resolution to Free Justina is being circulated by Representatives Marc Lombardo (R-Billerica) and Jim Lyons (R-Andover). They need support to pass the resolution, so ask the governor and state representatives to get behind it!

Just sign your name below and follow the instructions to add your voice to the thousands of others that are supporting this resolution.

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She could ice skate and do everything a child should be able to do when she was free. This is imprisonment and it is shameful that she has not been set free.
Governor Patrick, Commissioner Deveney, tear down this wall and reunite Justina to her family without delay before she becomes another DCF statistic! It is obvious that Justina was never abused prior to being seen at BCH. Man's inhumanity to man is gushing from the DCF over and over. Release Justina now.
This is beyond reprehensible. Send that poor girl home. You are making Massachusetts look like another Gulag or Auschwitz.
This is wrong.
Government officials in Boston and Massachusetts: What if this were your daughter? Take action now and return Justina Pelletier to her family.
Free Justina Now!!!

This is exactly the kind of treatment we should expect from the DCF in Obama's Amerika!

Wake up people! We are no longer living in a Republic and our Freedoms have been eroded by the evil Progressives!

2014 is the year to kick all of these Communist pigs out of office and take our country back!

Support Patriotic Conservative candidates for Congress and the Presidency in 2014 & 2016!

Vote for Freedom!
Vote for Liberty!!
Vote for America!!!
Let Justina go!
This is a truly frightening case. In so many ways.Orwellian comes to mind. People need to be held accountable for this.
Quit trying to play God!