Support the legislative effort to Free Justina

568 People Have Sent 43 Letters and Emails

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Some recent comments: these messages are published with permission of the signer.

To follow this case, go to search for investigative reports by Beau Berman.
Unless we stand up for the rights of families and children, parents will be pushed around and pushed aside by outside groups (including over-reaching government entities).
First many years ago my mother who is dead now had shock treatement. And it ruded her for life.
To those who are hired to work with this, or any, governmental department I ask, "Has your own sense of duty, of right and wrong, to stand up against wrong toward another Human Being, especially children, the elderly and the weak been removed from your heart and mind by those in leadership to pull you into their mental snare and control in order to destroy lives? Why not refuse to do evil rather than do as you are told? It is a liberating thing to stand up for right and take the consequences for doing so. Please do this, for your own sake and that of Justina and her family.
Why is she being held against her wishes? If she doesn't want the help of the hospital, let her go. Let her live the way she wants to live. It was better than how she's living now. How can they overrule her own wishes?
This is outrageous beyond human belief especially in America!!!
"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." - Elie Wiesel

Justina needs to be with her loving family and friends. The judges gag order against the family disgusted me beyond belief and those who have done wrong need to be punished. This should not be allowed to happen to another family again!
Standard tests have not been given, to prove this kid needed mental attention, nor was anyone comfirmed through the parents permission. This out right crime for this kids rights needs to be investigated. Please help reveal the true crimes that were actually being commited.
please act as reasonable people
Please give Justina back to her family who know how to take care of her and who love her. Do it now because it is the right thing to do and because you are killing her.
The UN Committee on Torture and Other Cruel or Degrading Treatment or Punishment report from Feb. 2013, states: “…deprivation of liberty that is based on the grounds of a disability and that inflicts severe pain or suffering could fall under the scope of the Convention against Torture. In making such an assessment, factors such as fear and anxiety produced by indefinite detention, the infliction of forced medication... the segregation from family and community, etc., should be taken into account.” This is torture.
I truly pray that our government would stop playing God. The girl who is imprisoned, what are you people thinking??? This child is very ill now, you have made things so much worse for this young lady and she belongs home with her parents who will love her and take care of her. SOMEONE MADE A TERRIBLE MISTAKE WITH THIS YOUNG WOMAN AND IS TOO HAUGHTY TO ADMIT TO IT. I am very disappointed in how our government is taking over our children and our religious freedom, go after the true law breakers, not innocent people.
Parents have rights, the Government needs to respect that!
Parents should be The Final authority in a childs life--NOT the government.
Justina belongs with her parents!
In the Name of the Lord, let this poor child go home!!! What is wrong with you?!
Free Justina to her parents and let her get the care she is entitled to!!!! Love is some of the best care she can receive and she needs to be with her family.
Justina, a human being, has the right to dignity no matter what a selfish and uncompassionate legislature might say. Once, all these senators and the Massachusetts governer were young people hoping to succeed in life and it is unfair of them to lord their unwarrented gift of health over an innocent young woman and treat her as less because of it.
This is government overreach and an unconscionable violation of Justina's civil rights to be forcibly removed from her parents' care. She is clearly suffering and deteriorating - we cannot stand idly by and allow the government to abuse her rights and dignity.
"But the Lord shall endure for ever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment. And he shall judge the world in righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness. The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 9:7-9
Please respect the GOD honoring responsibility of parents to care for their children's welfare.
Please stand for parental and patient rights.
This is the result of our government's belief that people are property; "natural resources" to be managed as the state believes best.
We must insist the state submit itself to God and the people, or Justina's fate will be our future.
Where has the love for freedom, life, and the pursuit of happiness gone to? How can you be in politics and be so evil and corrupt that you were ever elected? Protect the rights of America before they're gone!!!
This is a crying shame-that a government would dare to be so arrogant as to claim superior medical expertise, when it is clear they are lacking, and to be so proud as to keep this precious person locked up without adequate medical and parental attention as to diminish the quality and overall safety of her life, which was given to her by God and nurtured and sustained by her parents.
We, the People, object!
Justina pellitere is being treated poorly
This is a blatant abuse of state power. The parents are the ones with the most interest in the welfare of their daughter. The State of Massachusetts and the Boston Children's Hospital must release this child to her parents immediately.
Please consider if you were in Justina's place and release her to her parents. It could be you next and no mercy will be shown to you.
This is a terrifying thing Massachusetts has allowed to happen. It needs to stop now.
Return Justina to her parents care!
Please return Justina to her family.
This is so wrong! Who will the state decide to hold hostage next?
I've been following this story and since the whole family is supportive of her and she was relatively healthy and in sports, I don't understand, at all, why the state - child protective services - would think she was being mistreated or possibly that the family was neglectful of her needs. Sounds like some very zealous caseworker(s) wanting to make a name for themselves in the child protective world. At the least, they need to be fired for not researching what is truly best for this young lady. Professionals used to say fibromyalgia was "all in the head" also - now there's a diagnosis, books, treatments, etc. Someone has it "all in their head" and it's not this young lady!!!
This is a tragedy. Please take some time to have some serious thoughts on this. I think of she was my daughter what would i think. I am getting tired of the government's over reach of power.

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