The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Abortion ban (SB 2303) amended to include prenatal care


SB 2303 was amended to include government coverage for prenatal care for poor women. Here’s the text of the amendment:

The department of human services shall expand medicaid coverage for pregnant women to the maximum allowed under federal law. The department shall seek approval for the federal share of the expenditures related to this expansion.

Instead of going to the North Dakota House, the bill will now be considered by the ND senate appropriations committee.

This amendment should have been offered as separate legislation. The protection of the right to life of human beings is not related to government programs to help poor people. Even if the government didn’t pay for prenatal care, this wouldn’t give anybody the right to kill a prenatal human being.

Pro-aborts often toss up the nonsense that pro-lifers don’t care about babies once the babies are born. In this accusation, they equivocate on the meaning of the word “care”. We “care” before birth because we oppose murder. We don’t “care” after birth because we supposedly oppose unspecified government programs. The pro-aborts cheat by changing the meaning of the word “care” in order to level a charge of hypocrisy.

Murder is no way equivalent to supposed (or even real) opposition to unspecified (or even specified) government programs. But why let truth and reason get in the way when you’re trying to impugn pro-lifers? That’s the great thing about being a pro-abort, truth and reason don’t matter.

Stand to Reason had a great post on this from a different angle. You gotta listen to the audio.


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