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Looking for a sign

In her article entitled “Planned Parenthood doctor accused of forcing abortion”, Kassondra Cloos reports that Ayanna Byer went to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion but:

A medical assistant could not get an I.V. with anesthesia into Byer’s arm, according to the lawsuit, and “she believed this to be a sign she should not go through with the abortion.” However, the suit says, the unnamed doctor allegedly continued with the abortion after Byer said she had changed her mind. (Emphasis added)

It’s easy to see the obvious alleged misconduct of a Planned Parenthood abortionist. Perhaps, he thought “You came here for an abortion. I’ve got a 3pm tee time.”

What I find interesting is Ms. Byer’s readiness to go without the abortion. It’s as if she was looking for an excuse to let her baby live.  Almost anything could have been her “sign”. This element of the story should encourage sidewalk counselors that some women will turn away from abortion if we offer them hope and support.


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