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Abortionist Grossman Fails His Own Imaginary “8th Grade Health Class”, Claims eggs are human beings…

Abortionist Grossman Fails His Own Imaginary “8th Grade Health Class”

Abortionist Richard Grossman falsely claimed in the Durango Herald that “Anyone who graduated from an eighth-grade health class knows that the start of the biological development is the human egg.”

Dr. Grossman says that the problem with Colorado’s Amendment 62 is that it claims that my “eggs”– even those still safely ensconced in my ovaries – are people.

Amendment 62 does not talk about eggs, nor does it apply to eggs. It applies to people. Amendment 62 simply says that the term ‘person’ shall apply to every human being. Does abortionist Grossman really believe that women have thousands of human beings hanging out in their ovaries?

As someone who has not graduated medical school, or practiced ‘medicine’ for many years as Dr. Grossman has, I could find this to be an intimidating dilemma. Logic and reason tell me that Grossman is wrong. Yet how can I, a mere high school graduate and stay-at-home mother, possibly argue with such an education?

As I pondered this question of the beginning of a human being’s biological development, I realized that I had but one recourse available to me, one that nearly every member of my generation has at their disposal – I Googled it.

Imagine my surprise when the very first entry that appeared in my Google search was from Wikipedia. And here is what I found: “Biological Development: Development begins with fertilization, the process by which the male gamete, the sperm cell, and the female gamete, the egg, fuse to produce a zygote.” If Wikipedia knows what the beginning of biological development is, and I know what it is, why doesn’t Dr. Grossman?

It seems that Dr. Grossman, who kills ‘unwanted’ babies by abortion on Wednesday and delivers ‘wanted’ babies into parents’ arms at the local Catholic hospital on Thursday, must have been sleeping in that eighth grade health class he mentioned.

A little bit of further research showed me that the medical, scientific, and legal communities do not regard oocytes to be humans any more than they regard sperm to be humans. No, a new human being – a person – is present from the beginning of biological development, which very clearly means the fusion of sperm and oocyte, when, as world-renowned geneticist Dr. Jerome LeJeune stated, “After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being. [It] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion…it is plain experimental evidence. Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception.” Knowing for certain that life begins at fertilization means that Amendment 62 must pass, and everyone who has a shred of basic decency should vote Yes to recognize that all human beings are people.

The evidence is overwhelming – human development begins with fertilization. Pick up a human embryology text book and you will see that Dr. Grossman clearly does not know what he is talking about – either that, or he’s intentionally lying. Human embryology experts, lawyers, scientists, and bioethicists are familiar with the phrase ‘beginning of biological development’. So why isn’t an abortion “expert” like Dr. Richard Grossman aware of it?

I found it shocking that Dr. Grossman told the Durango Herald that “When a woman says a fetus is a person, I think it is one” several months ago, and now he is saying that eggs are people? Maybe it’s not so shocking when you realize that Grossman’s abortion profiteering would be halted by the passage of Amendment 62.

I think that Grossman needs a crash course in basic biology, preferably before he continues to practice ‘medicine’. - Jennifer Mason, Denver, Colorado, Personhood Colorado


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