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Abortionists think they're helping women

Here’s another clip from the movie “After Tiller”:

“Is your ‘story’ good enough to warrant killing your baby?” ummmmm. What else can you expect from someone who kills babies for a living?

Pro-lifers often make the mistake of assuming that abortionists are in it for money. No doubt, killing babies is lucrative. Even so, I think most abortionists actually convince themselves that they’re helping women. The baby is a “problem” and problems need gotten rid of. We shouldn’t malign motives but make the case that killing an innocent human being isn’t an acceptable way to help anyone.

On a different subject, Abortionist Susan Robinson appears to be confused about the law. In the video clip, she begins by saying:

Kansas law required that the patient present a story that compelled you, the [abortionist], to believe that this pregnancy threatened her life, or her emotional health, mental health, family health, safety or wellbeing.

This is straight from Doe v. Bolton, decided on the same day as Roe v. Wade. Doe defines the “health exception” declared in Roe to include “all factors - physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age - relevant to the wellbeing of the patient. All these factors may relate to health.” This is carte-blanche abortion. You wonder how (or if) she really struggled to determine that a “story” fit into to such a broad definition.

Actual Kansas law says that an abortion cannot be committed on a viable or “pain-capable” child unless:

The abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman; or a continuation of the pregnancy will cause a substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman.

For a non-viable child, it’s purely open season.

New Mexico law (Chap 30, Article 5) is much better because it doesn’t make a distinction between viable and nonviable children:

Criminal abortion consists of administering to any pregnant woman any medicine, drug or other substance, or using any method or means whereby an untimely termination of her pregnancy is produced, or attempted to be produced, with the intent to destroy the fetus, and the termination is not a justified medical termination. 

Of course, both New Mexico and Kansas law are ignored as people bow in worship of the Supreme Court.

I'm puzzled why Abortionist Robinson thinks there’s more leeway in killing babies in New Mexico than in Kansas.


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