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Arkansas bill introduced to stop funding for Planned Parenthood

Andrew DeMillo reports that Arkansas Senator Rapert supports Arkansas Senator Stubblefield’s bill to “cut all public funding to Planned Parenthood.” This is good news. Texas and Montana legislators have introduced similar measures.

SB 818 lays out some common sense legislative findings:

Public dollars awarded to qualifying entities may facilitate or subsidize directly or indirectly expenses or activities not directly related to those for which the funds were intended, including without limitation shared administrative costs, overhead, employee salaries, rent, utilities, and various other expenses;

Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution of 1874 says, "No public funds will be used to pay for any abortion, except to save the mother's life"; The direct or indirect subsidization or facilitation of abortion with funds distributed by the state constitutes paying for an abortion, and, therefore, conflicts with Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution of 1874;

Money is fungible. When the state gives money to Planned Parenthood and other abortionists for any purpose, it’s subsidizing the killing of babies. Senator Rapert’s summarizes the bill:

I do not like them utilizing funds, indirectly even, to support their efforts with abortion in our state.

Jill June, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, said:

For many Arkansas women we care for, we are the only health care provider they rely on every year for affordable care including well woman exams, lifesaving cancer screenings, contraception, and STD prevention.

Perhaps this is true. But luckily there’s a simple solution. Planned Parenthood could just stop killing babies. Then PP could have funding to do good things. If PP isn’t willing to stop killing the innocent, it tells us that PP cares more about baby-killing than about getting government funding for doing real healthcare. What a shocker!

A second (but far less noble) idea is that PP could separate their baby-killing business into a different corporation from their non-baby-killing business. The baby-killing corporation wouldn’t be eligible for funds while the “well woman exams, lifesaving cancer screenings” and so forth would be eligible. If PP isn’t willing to separate businesses, it indicates that PP cares more about baby-killing than it does about getting government funding for real healthcare. “It’s the big one, Elizabeth!”

Bravo, Senators Rapert and Stubblefield.


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