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Cleveland rapist/kidnapper/abortionist may be charged with murder


Edmund DeMarche reports at that:

Ariel Castro, the Cleveland man police say kidnapped and held captive three women for a decade, could also face aggravated murder charges for allegedly terminating the pregnancies of his captives.

This story makes me boiling angry. A man kidnaps women and keeps them captive as sex toys for a decade. It’s difficult to imagine a punishment that fits the crime but I have few starter ideas that I won’t share here.

On top of kidnappings and perpetual rapes, he murdered several unborn children. Thankfully, Ohio allows prosecutors to bring charges for those murders. May justice come swiftly for all the victims, including the tiny nameless innocents.

Cheetah772 at points out the inconsistency in charging Castro with murder while letting abortionists murder babies (and even supplying police protection to such murders) every day throughout America. He writes:

If a pro-unborn baby murder proponent insists that the thing inside a woman’s womb is…just a blob, a goo, or simply an extension of a woman’s body, then at this point, the provision in Ohio’s law did a great injustice to those who were charged with the count of aggravated murder….  So in Ariel Castro’s case, he shouldn’t be charged with the multiple counts of aggravated murder!

Which is, of course, why pro-aborts oppose recognizing unborn babies as victims of crime, even when such proposed laws are abortion neutral. When we recognize the victims of forced miscarriage, it causes any thinking individual to question the run-of-the-abortion-mill daily baby-killings down at Planned Parenthood.


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