The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Colorado goes into overtime, your support needed today!

Dear Allies In The Battle For Human Dignity, Wednesday 8:56 PM

Great things have happened in Colorado. We are in the epicenter of the Personhood explosion across the country! And that is largely because of your support and prayers! Thank you!

Now we need of you more than ever, the situation couldn’t be more critical!

I just got off the phone with the Secretary of State in Colorado. Even though we turned in over 79,000 signatures it was not enough. The SOS has thrown out 15,690 signatures he called “invalid”.

Now we have 15 days to mobilize our volunteers and finish the job. The good news is we are READY! We have been working to prepare and now we can finish the job. Our volunteers are working already to gather the15,690 signatures to finish the job.

The bad news: every single penny we have for Colorado has been spent. To mobilize our forces we critically need $9,425 TODAY!

There’s no time to spare, so I am counting on you to click here right now and contribute your best gift to finish the job in Colorado!

A volunteer called me a few days ago, and thanked us for doing this again. He is encouraged that we are willing to fight for the preborn no matter what! And he’s confident that 2010 will be a great year for ALL conservative issues.

I couldn’t agree more! The “political winds” are blowing like a hurricane in our direction. Every sane voter is fed up with the crazy liberals right now! 

That’s one reason it is critical to regain ballot access, but not the only one.

The most important reason for you to click here and contribute your very best gift today is the beautiful ministry and education that happens when personhood hits the ballot.

This year, and this vote, (IF we gain ballot access), will be huge for the tiny defenseless preborn persons and the adults who need to learn about the dignity of all people.

We already know what the pro-death industry will say, but their deceptions and scare tactics will not work this time!

So I write you today with utmost urgency. Can we count on you to help us with your best gift of $1,000 $300 or $50 right now? If 100 people could give $94.25 RIGHT NOW, we would have the funds we need to put gas in our tanks, send out communications and fully mobilize thousands of volunteers.

Will you be a part of this victory today? I pray so, would you pray and see what the Lord leads you to contribute?

God’s grace be with you,

Keith Mason
Personhood USA

PS feel free to call us with any questions at the Colorado Office 303-456-2800 and if you would like to rush a check in the mail you can do so by mailing it to:
PO Box 486
Arvada, Co 80001

To Contribute with your credit card follow this link:


The opinions of blog authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Personhood USA, its subsidiaries or affiliates.
