The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Colorado Is At It Again

Early this Month Colorado again proved that it was ready to take a stand for personhood and the protection
of human life. The Colorado Personhood Coalition, led by Susan Sutherland, has gathered enough
signatures from the citizens of Colorado to put a personhood measure before voters. While the Coalition
only needed 86,000 signatures, amazingly, it gathered over 112,000 signatures.

This is the third time since 2008 that a “Personhood Amendment” has been placed before the people
of Colorado. In 2008, Colorado For Equal Rights gathered 103,000 signatures to put a personhood
amendment on that year’s ballot. The ballot initiative lost. In 2010 Personhood Colorado turned in over
95,000 signatures. The measure was defeated again, but the margin was smaller. This year, with far
more signatures than before, we are hoping to turn this around and see the amendment passed.

NO Personhood has vowed that they will work to see the measure defeated in Colorado again this
year. Even if the amendment is defeated, we will not stop moving forward until we see Colorado, and
America, acknowledging the humanity, the “personhood”, of every human life, whether from the
genesis of conception or the very last moments of their natural life. Rosalinda Lozano, a ballot initiative
sponsor said, “Life is precious at every stage of human development.” We heartily agree and are willing
to wrestle with current cultural trends to the end.

Continue to agree with us in prayer that God will move on the citizens of Colorado and the conviction of
culture will change to protect life. Colorado was among the first to legalize abortion. We would love to
see God use her as one of the first to protect the lives of thousands of innocent babies.


The opinions of blog authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Personhood USA, its subsidiaries or affiliates.
