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The Daily Iowan Editorial Board uses propaganda to support baby-killing


The Editorial Board of the The Daily Iowan has weighed in with a pro-abortion propaganda piece entitled Personhood amendment unnecessarily dangerous.  It quotes Jill June, the President of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, “This amendment would ban all safe abortion”.  Of course, there is no such thing as a “safe abortion”. All abortions kill an innocent human being. Killing is never safe for the victim. But that‘s the key for pro-aborts: ignore the victim.

As you can surmise from the PP quote, the piece focuses on back alley abortions, while (of course) ignoring the unborn victim. The Board continues:

The basic line of reasoning against restricting abortion is essentially the typical conservative argument against gun control, repurposed. If you outlaw abortion, only outlaws will perform abortions.

If you outlaw child molestation, only outlaws will molest children. If you outlaw spousal abuse, only outlaws will abuse their spouses. If you outlaw senicide, only outlaws will kill old men.

The Editorial Board, like most pro-aborts, obviously hasn’t thought through its position very well. Either that or it has a low opinion of its readers. Why make a good argument when cheap propaganda will suffice?

The Board quotes approvingly Susan A. Cohen of the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute who, with obvious misogyny, states:

Restrictive laws have much less impact on stopping women from ending an unwanted pregnancy than on forcing those who are determined to do so to seek out clandestine means.

If you don’t want to be pregnant and killing your baby is illegal, you’re “forced” to do it secretly. Women don’t consciously make decisions to endanger their own lives to kill their babies. They’re victims of circumstances beyond their control. Women are nothing more than mindless automatons, “forced” to kill their babies.

From misogyny, the Board turns to using statistics in a deceptive way:

An August 2012 study from the National Bureau of Economic Research projected that if Roe v. Wade were overturned and the 31 most conservative states adopted full abortion bans, the national abortion rate would fall by about 15 percent.

Even if this statistic is true (which I doubt), it provides good reason to outlaw abortion. We would save 180,000 (15% of 1.2 million currently murdered) babies a year.

But notice the cheat. When conservative states outlaw abortion, you need to look at the abortion rates only in those states. Duh. Why mix New York’s all-you-can-eat baby-killing statistics with Oklahoma’s? The Board has an agenda, so it twists the statistics to fit its agenda.

Bernard Nathanson, a New York abortionist and co-founder of NARAL, said the number of pre-Roe prenatal baby-killings was 100,000 nationwide. As you would expect, once legalized, the number of such killings quickly increased to over a million per year, peaking at 1.6 million. The fact is if we outlaw abortion, far fewer people will kill their babies.

The last line of the opinion piece “Go back to the drawing board” only applies to itself. I can see why no member of the Editorial Board would put his name on the piece. The Daily Iowan needs to hire someone who can actually think beyond shallow pro-abortion talking points.


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