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Day 3 of the UN CSW: Report on major Personhood-sponsored event

Medical experts specializing in maternal health testified Wednesday (March 6) before the United Nations Commission for the Status of Women (CSW) that abortion is not necessary to save the mother’s life in any circumstance and that abortion is always an act of violence against women.

The event was co-sponsored by Personhood Education, Vida y Familia de Guadalajara, Alliance Defending Freedom, Construye A.C., Mujer para la Mujer, and the Committee for Excellence in Maternal Healthcare.

A morning briefing drew more than 100 delegates and NGO representatives. The conference room was so crowded so that attendees had to sit on the windowsills, tables, and the floor to listen to the presentations.

Dr. Donna Harrison, an experienced OB/GYN and a researcher at the MELISA Institute, explained how the complications from medical abortion increase fatalities in developing nations. These complications, which may be managed in nations with developed health care systems, become fatalities in regions which lack emergency resources. Abortion advocates promoting chemical abortions around the world do so at the cost of women’s lives, not to mention their babies.

Dr. Monique Chireau of Duke University explained that managing high-risk pregnancy does not involve a conflict between the needs of the mother and the child, but rather it comes down to understanding the particular circumstances of that pregnancy and dealing with it in a scientific and rational way. She emphasized that doctors must first uphold the mantra: “Do no harm.”

Irish physician Dr. Eoghan de Faoite, who also serves as a board member for the Committee on Excellence in Maternal Healthcare reminded the audience that Ireland is consistently considered by the UN and WHO as one of the safest places in the world for pregnant mothers, without recourse to abortion. He also shared the conclusions of a major international symposium of maternal health experts, who recognized that abortion is not medically necessary in any circumstance in a groundbreaking agreement known as the Dublin Declaration.

Leading Chilean researcher Dr. Elard Koch shared his peer-reviewed scientific analysis using 50 years of maternal mortality data from Chile, which discovered that making abortion illegal in Chile did not result in an increase in maternal mortality and actually improved maternal health. In reality, the most important factor in reducing maternal mortality was the educational level of women. He also noted that another of his peer-reviewed studies demonstrated that the Guttmacher Institute systemically inflates their estimates of clandestine abortion in Latin American nations because of flawed methodology.

After the morning briefings, the speakers participated in a major press conference and evening reception with about 60 delegates from international missions to the United Nations and NGO representatives. The educational opportunity was not missed by the doctors, who spoke with many delegates negotiating on maternal mortality at the UN Commission on the Status of Women this week.

It’s wonderful to see representatives of pro-life countries like Ireland and Chile taking the lead internationally by showing that pregnant women and their babies can receive high-quality healthcare without resorting to abortion.

Show your support by joining the pro-life Tweet-a-thon on March 8, International Women’s Day. Send a pro-life tweet to the UN with the hashtags #CSW57 and #EndVAW!


Day 1 of the UN Commission on the Status of Women


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