The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

CNN exposes the humanity of unborn babies


CNN’s Kyung Lah did a wonderful report on the tragic deaths of Lori Stodghill and her unborn twins. Jeremy Stodghill is fighting the Catholic hospital which, in court, has denied the humanity of the dead twins. Watch the video.

This Catholic hospital is part of the same organization that has an abortionist on staff in Durango.  It’s disgraceful.

Erin Burnett, also at CNN, did an outstanding report on both the Stodghills and Brady Surovik. A drunk driver hit Heather Surovik who was pregnant with Brady. The scumbag wasn't charged with vehicular homicide because Brady wasn't considered a person. Watch the video.


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