The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Fake controversy: Cuccinelli compared abortion to slavery

Pro-aborts like to stir up fake controversy. Now, they’re feigning outrage because Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli supposedly compared abortion to slavery.  Abortion and slavery are quite comparable because both are horrible human rights abuses. Both involve treating human beings as property.

If you watch the short video, you’ll see that Attorney General Cuccinelli made no such statements.  He simply listed slavery as a wrong that truth overcame and abortion as a wrong that truth will overcome.  He said:

History has shown us what the right position was.  And those were issues that were attacked by people of faith aggressively to change the course of this country. 

So, the comparison is that both slavery and abortion are wrong and opposed by Christians. Wow! How dare you sir!

It’s enough for pro-aborts to blow an entire fuse box.


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