The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Hearing on Unborn Victims of Crime

Here’s a video of the hearing onColorado HB 1032*. It’s edited for length.

Kevin Paul, the Planned Parenthood lawyer, agrees that there is a gap in Colorado law for the reckless criminal killing of unborn babies but he doesn’t explain why this particular law is a bad way to fill that gap. It’s difficult to tell from the video if this point was glaringly obvious to the people in the room. I’m disappointed that Personhood folks didn’t provide counter testimony, if just to emphasize this fact.

Ellen Belef doesn’t provide any rational testimony. She just accuses the bill of being a “back door for Personhood” without providing any evidence to support her accusation. It is nice how she accidentally falls into telling the truth that unborn babies are actually babies. Oh, she didn't mean "baby", she meant "pregnancy". This clip shows that for pro-aborts, language (unless it's the language of the bill) means everything. As long as you can label the baby in such a way to hide her humanity, she is nothing.

This exposes the lie that pro-aborts care about “wanted” children.


*The language of the bill made it clear that it wasn’t about abortion, but about the victims of "crime". Here’s the language:

If the commission of any crime codified in this title or title 42,C.R.S., is the proximate cause of death or injury to an unborn member of the species homo sapiens, the respective homicide and assault charges for that death or injury may be brought simultaneously with the underlying charges.

Since abortion is not considered a crime, it would not be banned by this bill.


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