The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Personhood Alabama is so thankful to report that SB301, the Alabama Personhood Bill in the Senate, was voted 8-1 out of the Health Committee today! This is the first time a personhood bill has ever made it out of committee in Alabama!

According to Committee Chairman Greg Reed’s office, today’s Health Committee vote was an incredibly favorable 8-1 vote for SB301. Life for all human beings was affirmed today through a truly bipartisan vote!

Thank you for all of you who called or wrote these legislators yesterday and today. If we the pro-lifers don’t “make noise,” who will? You did it and the Health Committee members responded! Let’s keep Personhood bills moving along!

YOU CAN THANK the supporting Health Committee Members here. (Only Senator Coleman voted against SB301. Senator Smith did not vote.)

* Reed (334-242-7894), Chairperson; Bussman (334-242-7855), Vice Chairperson; Beasley (334-242-7868), Blackwell (334-242-7851), Coleman (334-242-7864), Dial (334-242-7874), Smith (334-242-7879), Ward (334-242-7873), Waggoner (334-242-7892), Whatley (334-242-7865)

What is next for SB301? Should be more good news: the Senate Rules Committee must agree to put the bill up for a full vote, and a majority of the Rules Committee members—Beason, Holley, Brooks, Dial, Glover, Pittman, and Waggoner—are co-sponsors of SB301! (Remaining Rules Committee members are Bedford, Dunn, Figures,Irons, Orr, and Sanford.) Thus, we are very hopeful that SB301 will advance to a historic full vote of the Alabama Senate soon.

ACTION: I know your time is precious, but now is the time to start asking ALL ALABAMA SENATORS to vote for SB301 when it comes before them.

* Start with your own Senator by following this link,, and putting in your Zip Code on the left under “Find Your Legislator.” All Senators and contact info are listed below. * REMEMBER TO THANK the Sponsors of SB301 for their support for the personhood of all human life and ENCOURAGE them to stay strong and vote for the bill. The Sponsors are Senators Williams (lead Sponsor), Beason, Reed, Brewbaker, Dial, Allen, McGill, Ward, Waggoner, Holley, Holtzclaw, Taylor, Bussman, Scofield, Pittman, Brooks, Keahey, Whatley, and Glover. * POLITELY ASK the remaining Senators to vote for SB301 and give equal protection to all human life from the moment of conception. SB301 is attached or it can be downloaded from the Personhood Alabama website,

We thank God for this historic victory and pray (and work!) for continued success in this worthy fight for the sanctity of all human life!

God bless you,

Ben DuPré
Personhood Alabama
c/o Foundation for Moral Law


The opinions of blog authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Personhood USA, its subsidiaries or affiliates.
