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Ilyse Hogue: Women need abortion to be equal to men


NARAL Pro-Abortion America’s new president Ilyse Hogue put out a video in which she exposes her own misogyny. Here’s the money quote:

The past century has seen steady momentum behind women achieving more equality and more freedom from winning the right to vote in 1920, to affirming our right to safe and legal abortion in 1973...

According to President Hogue, abortion is necessary for women’s equality. Nature has dealt women a bad hand. Women are inferior to men naturally and they need an operation to achieve equality. Ms. Hogue thinks that being pregnant, which is a capability inherent to women, is a defect which must be overcome by abortion.  

Demeaning to women?  Yep.

Abortion truly is a surrender to paternalism. Instead of demanding that women are recognized as equal – without discarding their qualities as women, including the very female capacity for pregnancy – feminists decided to become more like men. Men avoid pregnancy so women must be able to avoid it too. Complete capitulation.

Ms. Hogue isn’t the only supposed feminist to deny femininity in pursuit of feminism. In their joint opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Sandra Day O'Connor, Anthony M. Kennedy and David H. Souter wrote:

The ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives.

In Gonzales v. Carhart, Ruth Bader Ginsburg quoted the above statement approvingly. On another occasion she stated that Roe v. Wade should have "homed in more precisely on the women's-equality dimension of the issue."

There you have it, to be equal to men, women must become like men and abortion is the way to do it. Of course, these pro-aborts don’t really think about the misogyny built into their statements. But pro-aborts aren’t really known for the deep thinking.

Pro-lifers, on the other hand, recognize that women, pregnant or not, are equal to men and don’t need to kill their unborn babies to achieve equality.


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