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Irish government considering legalizing a “limited form of abortion”.

According to this article in The Economist, the Irish government is considering legalizing a “limited form of abortion”.

Here’s the opening statement from the article:

THE Irish Supreme Court ruled 21 years ago that abortion was legal if the risk that pregnancy might prompt suicide put the life of a woman in grave danger.... Yet successive governments ignored the court’s decision.

Like its US cousin, the Irish Supreme Court ignored its governing Constitution in an attempt to establish legalized abortion. But successive Irish governments have shown themselves far brighter than US state and federal governments. The Irish know that judicial activist rulings should be ignored.

In fact the government’s proposals will provide little more than a legal framework to underpin the Supreme Court’s 1992 decision. Yet the anti-abortion lobby resists even such a limited move, because it sees a new law as paving the way for a broader, more liberal regime. In the words of one Catholic bishop, the proposals mark the “first step on the road to a culture of death”.

The bishop is correct. Allowing baby-killing because of the mother’s mental state is nothing less than all out abortion-on-demand.

It’s a bit disturbing that the author attempts to undermine the legitimacy of Ireland’s abortion laws by referring to the European Court of Human Rights. That court isn’t about protecting human rights but trampling on them.  The court shares with most European countries complete support for killing unborn babies in the womb. Ireland should ignore such calls for a more “liberal” abortion regime.

The author also ignores inconvenient facts regarding the pregnant mother who died in Galway after a miscarriage. She may never have requested an abortion. Furthermore, in Ireland, treatment of pregnant mothers is legal, even when that treatment may involve removing the child or the death of the child. So, this case is simply a smoke screen under which pro-aborts move to advance their baby-killing agenda.


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