The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Irish legislators secretly plan to use suicide-excuse-abortion to get abortion-on-demand reports that a pro-lifer recorded pro-abortion Irish legislators who secretly planned using suicide-excuse-abortion as a first step toward abortion-on-demand:

Dublin North Central TD Aodhan O Riordain said the X Case legislation was only "a starting point" but added that he said he would not state this publicly, while Wicklow TD Anne Ferris said that attempts to widen the legislation would commence in the next Government, should Labour remain in office.

Killing a baby cannot be justified on the mother’s psychological condition. So there is no need to discuss the slippery slope. “Unless you allow me to murder my baby, I’m going to kill both of us.” It’s absurd.

Yet, the slippery slope exists. The pro-abortion legislators are correct that once they get to kill babies for supposed suicidal ideation, why not because of other alleged psychological or emotional difficulties? If the Irish abandon the fact that human beings have a right to life based on their existence as human beings, they’ll start killing them for any reason whatsoever, as we do in the US.


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