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Killing girls


The Atlantic has posted a review of the documentary It’s a Girl. The reviewer is an obvious pro-abort who buys into the propaganda that the pro-life movement is anti-woman. Setting aside the reviewer’s nonsense, here are some highlights:

One of the most inspiring figures in the film, for example, is Dr. Mitu Khurana, a woman who became pregnant with twins. Her husband and mother-in-law forced her to get an ultrasound to find out the gender of the children she was carrying, even though such ultrasounds are illegal in India. When they found the babies were girls, they tried to force her to get an abortion and physically abused her in the hopes that she would miscarry. She eventually escaped her home and bore her daughters.

When abortion is legal, boyfriends, husbands and relatives can more easily pressure women into having abortions. After all, if it’s “just a blob of tissue” (in this case, a girl blob of tissue) then it’s pretty uppity for women to defy their husbands and family. Men also attack women in the United States when women refuse to kill their unborn children.

But if abortion were illegal, women would have the law to support them in refusing such murderous demands.

Here’s more:

It's a Girl opens with an interview with a poor Indian woman who killed eight of her infant daughters, not through abortion, but through suffocating them after they were born. This is not uncommon. Poor women in India don't have access to ultrasounds or to abortions, for the most part. But they are desperate to avoid having daughters, not least because of the tradition of dowry, which requires expensive gifts to be given to a husband when a girl is married. Poor families cannot afford the dowries, and they cannot afford abortions. So they simply kill or abandon their female infants after birth.

Pro-aborts will mindlessly exclaim “See, not only should abortion be available, but we should help the poor women pay for it!” Or put another way, because some women will murder their babies after birth, we should help them murder their babies before birth. Yep, sick.

Infanticide is simply no different than abortion. The location of the child doesn’t change the gravity and horror of the crime.  Instead of offering earlier killing as the solution for later killing, we need to learn and teach the value of each human being at every stage of life.


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