The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Letter to the Editor Regarding your article “Concerns Over Personhood” from Wednesday, September 29.

I am happy to report that Ruben Alvero, Andrew Ross, and Jim Burness, who were quoted in your article from the “No on 62” press conference, can whole-heartedly support Amendment 62, and we look forward to their “Yes” vote.

These men were quoted with false statements that collectively claim Amendment 62 would halt stem cell research, ban in vitro fertilization, and delay health care for women who have had miscarriages. If those are the only objections that these men have against Amendment 62, they can rest easy and vote “YES” because every one of those statements is FALSE.

Despite the scare tactics employed by billion-dollar-per-year abortion profiteer Planned Parenthood (the driving force behind the ‘No on 62’ efforts), Colorado citizens deserve to know the truth about Amendment 62. The truth is this: 1. Amendment 62 will NOT ban the most promising forms of stem cell research, 2. Amendment 62 will NOT ban in vitro fertilization, and 3. Amendment 62 will NOT delay health care to women who have had miscarriages!

It would be impossible! Further, Amendment 62 will NOT ban ANY contraceptives, and only affects chemical and surgical abortions.

What will Amendment 62 accomplish? Amendment 62 will protect innocent human beings. Amendment 62 would make in vitro fertilization safer for those children that so many couples are desperate to have. Amendment 62 recognizes the simple truth that all human beings are people! All people have rights!
I noticed, also, that the article used the term “fertilized eggs” which is scientifically and medically inaccurate. The scientifically authoritative Carnegie Stages of Early Human Development says “The term egg is best reserved for…the breakfast table.”Carnegie Stage 1 identifies terms, like “egg”, which have “no scientific usefulness.” As the term “fertilized egg” is derogatory and dehumanizing, please use a scientifically accurate term such as embryo or zygote.

I urge your readers to ignore the scare tactics from the largest abortion provider in the nation, which has a very vested financial interest in keeping abortion legal with no restrictions. Instead, pick up any human embryology textbook and see that medically and scientifically speaking, children in the womb are living, growing, developing human beings!
Jennifer Mason, Personhood Colorado


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