The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Mom sues abortuary after failed abortion


This story is a weird one. Doctors tell a mother that her pregnancy endangers her life. She goes in for an abortion and the abortionist fails to kill the child. She later delivers a baby girl.  The mom sues the abortion clinic for malpractice, for failing to kill her child.

If only every abortion went so well!

The problem is that mother has two uteruses. The article explains that

An exam in early February 2012 showed the fetus was located in the right uterus, which her doctor told her was unstable and put her pregnancy and her life at risk. She had little choice, she said, but to opt for an abortion.

Could it be that the abortionist was unaware of her condition and attempted to clear the wrong uterus? Did she not inform him? When he didn’t find a baby to rip apart, he didn’t say a word but just took the money.


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