The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

No one lies about rape.


From his recent “God bless you” to Planned Parenthood to his opposition, years ago, to protecting babies born alive after botched abortions, Obama is a true believer in baby-butchery. So it comes as no surprise when Laura Bassett reports at HuffPo that the “White House Threatens to Veto Anti-Abortion Bill.” Yes, the baby is 20 weeks or older and could survive outside the womb but Obama will have none of that. Abortion isn’t about bodily rights; it’s about a dead baby. Women have a right to a dead baby and Obama wants to protect that right.

Ms. Bassett twice trots out the usual sexist pro-abortion propaganda that the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, which approved the 20 week abortion ban, are “all male”.  Because somehow being a man should make one incapable of seeing that abortion is murder.

I wonder what part of Ms. Bassett’s anatomy makes it impossible for her to see that ripping apart babies should be illegal. Slave owners saw their slaves every day but couldn’t see their humanity. The Nazis could look Jews right in the eyes before putting a bullet between them. Ms. Bassett follows a long horrible tradition.

What really caught my eye, was this bit:

Democrats took issue with the new rape and incest exceptions because they require women to report the abuse to the police in order to have an abortion....

"They believe women are too dishonest to be believed when they state that they were raped," said Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.). "That's a heck of an insult."

I wonder if Rep. Nadler has ever heard of the Duke Lacrosse team and Crystal Mangum. No. Women would never lie about being raped and men would never lie about raping someone. Just ask Kobe Bryant.

Even better, has Rep. Nadler ever heard of Jane Roe? Maybe, he’s heard of Roe v. Wade. It’s an obscure case that no one ever talks about. Perhaps, someone should tell Rep. Nadler that Norma McCorvey later admitted that she lied about being raped in order to gain sympathy for baby-killing.


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