The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

A note from Dr Annie in Montana

>THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF Montana ProLife Coalition

MPLC Online | Personhood is where it’s at!

June 10, 2010
Dear Passionate Defenders of the Preborn:

Although we don’t know yet if we’ll make it on the ballot or not this year with the Montana Personhood Amendment, we do know that baby-murder will end in Montana. Here are some examples as to why, from the signature gatherers at polling places:

1. Voters not coerced by the CI 102 Blockers. Hundreds of people in Billings signed the ballot-access petitions after voting at the polls for the primary election. The signers had to endure pushy pro-abortion people from Planned Parenthood preaching loudly for folks not to sign, “If C.I. 102 passes, it will enslave women! Screech! The police will investigate miscarriages! It will deny healthcare to women! It goes too far!...“After (or during) moms and pops would walk through that, our volunteers would simply ask, “Would you like to sign the pro-life petition?” or “Would you like to sign to stop the killing of preborn babies?”
They signed! Many took volunteer packets and said that they would try to help get more signatures. They caught the vision to protect every baby in Montana by love and by law instead of attempting to regulate baby-murder in hopes that it will someday go away.

2. The “Nursing Mothers with Babies Petitioners Club.” Mrs. Anna Holmes stood with her baby alone at the polls in Laurel from 7:00 am - 2:00 pm. Mrs. Kari Love covered the polls while holding her baby the same length of time in west Billings. The “Walker Club.” Donna S. shuffled up with her walker to petition outside of the busy Metra in Billings. She stayed for five hours in the sun.

3. Kids. Fourteen year-old David competed with the noisiest pro-death hecklers to show his sign and get people to come over and sign for the circulators also at the Metra, for thirteen straight hours in the sun.;=a Sixteen year-old Corrie had the loud-mouthed C.E.O. of Planned Parenthood Montana hairdressing her for hours. Corrie won the debates, endured the mocking and remained to help the petitioners at her poll for -thirteen straight hours in the sun. Even competing elk-hunting petitioners commented on how impressed they were by kids with zeal and faith.

5. Well Placed. The election judges in Lewistown told us we had to stay outside. It was soon apparent that God had prompted the decision—at 6:45 AM the rising sun was shining like a spotlight on the Personhood table of petitions. I was asked to tell the voters to vote before signing our petitions. Therefore God had put us in the up-front position with a mandate from the election officials to speak to every person entering the polling place. “After you vote, I have a Pro life petition I would love to show you.” We were able to say “Pro Life” to every person coming to vote. The result was we were able to gather signatures from 1/3 of the voters.

6. Many already signed in church. Many voters reported they had already signed at church” which was an opportunity to call out praise to God and Blessings on the churches. We marveled as we saw all of God’s provision in sending helpers right at the moment of need for a break or the recognition of particular persons.

7. No CI 102 Blockers in Flathead County. In 2008, there were “No to CI 100” blockers from Planned Parenthood, NARAL and the ACLU, and many of them were belligerent. This year we had no blockers. I guess they knew it was a waste of time. AND…Planned Parenthood closed their doors during the second round of 40 Days of Prayer this Spring in Kalispell! Halleluiah!.

8. Native Americans are Prolife. Browning CCD Center has 5 precincts voting so there were many voters. Add that to the huge effort to “get out the Indian vote” in the past years and you have a wonderful opportunity for our cause. The Indian people tend to be prolife and reverent of the family. Fortunately we were located right at the entrance. Folks came in and thought we were part of the process, thought they had to show us ID. So we got to make eye contact with every one of them as we spoke to them.

9. “Bless Those Who Persecute You; Bless and Do Not Curse”. 21 and 23 year old brothers were repeatedly insulted and yelled at for collecting prolife signatures in Missoula, and responded each time with “God Bless You.”…

10. Pastors. Read about one pastor who is happy when some of his members don’t come to church, but go to other churches to collect signatures:

The most important reason to be optimistic: When people believe God and obey His commands, their prayers for the slaughtering to stop will be heard and answered. It will stop in the Name of Jesus!

The June 18th Deadline is Upon Us! Come to Helena this Saturday 8 am for the Governor’s Cup Race or to Missoula 9 am for the March to Life, or to Victor 9 am for the Victor Days Parade. GREAT opportunities to collect signatures and hand out packets for others to collect signatures. Give ten friends a petition and affidavit and ask them to get ten signatures a piece. If this happens across Montana, we’ll get the cushion of signatures we need. This Sunday, the last Sunday before the deadline, collect one more time in your church or at a large supportive church near you.

May God Bless You for all your hard work in this critical time!

Annie Bukacek MD

President, Montana ProLife Coalition


Download or print Petition Here, be sure to print both sides of petition.

Download or print Affidavit Here.

Download or print Voter Registration Here.

Download or print Poster for signature collection Here.

Posters and instructions how to use posters effectively. Here.

How to set up and maintain a table at the polls. Here.

Church bulletins, flyers and invites. Here.

An overview of polling practices and rules to follow. Here.

Giving away petition packets and the printed instructions. Here.

———————————————————————————————————————— P.O. Box 2758 Bigfork, Montana 59911
(406) 270-0606

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