The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

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A bill is advancing in Louisiana that would ban every form of abortion in the state. House Bill, HB645, titled “The Human Life Protection Act,” passed the Health and Welfare Committee last week by a vote of 10-2. It revises the state’s definition of criminal feticide to include surgical abortion and prohibits the prescribing of abortion inducing drugs.

The legislative intent of the bill is clear as it upholds a longstanding policy of the state that every human being is a “legal person” and “entitled to the right to life from conception under the laws and Constitution of the state.”

While not perfect—particularly because of a section added in committee dealing with the criminal penalties for participating in an abortion—the legislation will permanently turn the signs at the abortion mills to “Closed!”

We continue to encourage the people of Louisiana in their steadfast pursuit of a state constitutional personhood amendment to recognize the full rights of every person, born and preborn. However, until this opportunity is presented, this law means that every baby in Louisiana will be safe from the grasp of the abortionists.

Unapologetically pro-life legislator and sponsor of the bill, Rep. John LaBruzzo said, “Every year, more and more abortions take place, and every year we pass legislation to deal with the issue. We’ve been going at it piecemeal—trying to get two yards at a time—but we haven’t gotten one first down. This bill shoots for the end zone.”

Attorney and pro-life speaker, Rebecca Kiessling, was invited to represent Personhood USA and share her story at the hearing. Adopted as an infant, Rebecca learned at age 18 that her conception was the result of rape and that she was nearly aborted.

Testifying on behalf of the legislation, Rebecca explained, “This bill follows the directives within Roe v. Wade. If you wish to afford unborn children their due process and equal protection rights, then you need to recognize them as persons in the full legal sense. This is hitting the issue where it counts. The Court made it clear that personhood is where it counts.”

Watch Rebecca, Rep. LaBruzzo, and many of the wonderful pro-life advocates’ testimonies by clicking here:

The Human Life Protection Act now heads to the full House. Floor debate is scheduled for this Monday, June 6th.

Prayers for Mississippi

Please also continue to keep the people of Mississippi at the forefront of your hearts and minds. We ask for your prayers in the effort to amend the state constitution to protect every child by love and by law.

The Mississippi Personhood Amendment is the standard—defining the term “person” as used in the Mississippi Bill of Rights to “include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof.” The new law will not only save our youngest brothers and sisters from the abortionists and close down the last remaining abortion mill in Mississippi, but it also ensures legal protections from all chemical abortifactient drugs, human cloning and deadly medical research.

The measure is currently on the ballot for November of this year. We are just five short months from ending abortion in the state, once and for all!

However, your prayers are still needed because our enemies are on the move—attempting to block the measure from reaching the ballot. That’s right, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have, once again, teamed up to sue us and stop a vote by the people to recognize the rights of every human being.

So far, we’ve won every round of the court battle. Last year, Judge Malcolm Harrison ruled that the “plaintiffs carry a heavy burden in attempting to restrict the citizenry’s right to amend the Constitution. Initiative Measure No. 26 has received more than the required amount of signatures to be placed on the ballot and the Constitution recognizes the right of citizens to amend their Constitution.” This is a huge victory for the babies and the people! However, the pro-abortion groups have vowed to appeal.

The Alabama Senate Bill, SB301, passed the Senate 23-7. Last minute changes to the bill changed it from a personhood bill, which would have banned all abortions, to a ban of all surgical abortions and many chemical abortions. If the bill passes the House, it will be the first time in state history that all surgical abortions will be outlawed since Roe v. Wade.

The original text, introduced by Senator Phil Williams, read : “The term ‘persons’ as used in the Code of Alabama 1975, shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization or the functional equivalent thereof.”

The amended text now reads “The term ‘persons’ as used in the Code of Alabama 1975, shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization and implantation into the womb.” SB301 is now scheduled to be heard Thursday, June 9th.

Stand with us as we declare before the whole world that every person is uniquely created in God’s image and deserving of the full protection of the law!

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

-Keith Ashley, Personhood USA Communications


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