Personhood would criminalize miscarriages. Wrong.

Pro-lifers have recently begun getting signatures for the Personhood initiative in Mississippi which reads:

The right to life begins at conception. All human beings, at every stage of development, are unique, created in God’s image and shall have an inalienable right to life.

Pro-aborts assert that this proposal, like other Personhood measures, will mean that distraught mothers will be investigated for miscarriages. Why? Because a miscarriage might be an intentional abortion. This seems plausible to people who are ignorant about law and history. Pro-aborts prey on ignorance, so this scare tactic can be effective.

We have two pieces of evidence, based in legal procedure and history, to show that the “investigate miscarriage” claim is false. First, sadly, miscarriages are far too common to provide probable cause or even reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.  Nothing in the Personhood Amendment says otherwise. Police have no desire to, neither will they, waste their time harassing women for non-crimes. Without reasonable suspicion, the police will leave families alone to grieve for the deaths of their children.

Second, when abortion was illegal, were mothers investigated for miscarriages? In Mississippi? In North Dakota? In countries, such as Ireland, where abortion is currently illegal, are mothers investigated for miscarriage? No, of course not. History shows that mothers who tragically lost their babies suffered no such persecution.

Despicably, pro-aborts hide behind the tragedy of miscarriage to push their baby-killing agenda. When someone supports killing babies, taking cover behind maternal anguish isn’t much of a stoop.

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