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Pro-aborts to campaign on late term baby-killing?


Martha Moore at USA Today writes about the 20 week abortion ban currently under consideration in the US House of Representatives. The main thrust of her piece is over a comment made by Republican Rep. Trent Frank who said "The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy (is) very low".

Pro-aborts want to blow this statement up just as they did with Todd Akin’s embarrassing statements last year. But, as Ms. Moore writes, Rep. Franks has clarified his statement:

Franks later said he meant that third-trimester abortions of pregnancies caused by rape are rare.

Since the bill is about the murder of older unborn babies, his clarification rings true. But no matter, pro-aborts will add this harmless comment to their nonsense “war on women” arsenal.

Ms. Moore writes that the baby-killers will try to use this latest bill as a propaganda tool in the next election:

And Democratic groups will be sure to remind voters about the GOP efforts on abortion come election time. "This isn't about the Trent Franks of the world, this is about all the Republicans who are going to have to take this vote'' on the House bill, says Marcy Stech of Emily's List, which supports women candidates who favor abortion rights.

Pro-aborts want to make Republican support for a late term abortion ban a campaign issue. Really? Democrats want to make ripping apart obvious babies part of the election campaign? Bring it on! Let’s run commercials showing these babies in the womb (or blobs of tissue!) and ask voters to see for themselves the victims the pro-aborts dismember.


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