The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Pro-aborts claim that Personhood criminalizes pregnancy. (UPDATED)


Pro-aborts are breathlessly claiming that a “New report shows how the principle of ‘personhood’ is already criminalizing pregnancy in the US.”  The authors of this report are Lynn Paltrow and Jeanne Flavin, both staunch abortion advocates. Ms. Paltrow has worked for the ACLU’s Reproduction Freedom Project and for Planned Parenthood. Ms. Flavin claimed the late term abortionist George Tiller was providing “compassionate care”. Both women work for the pro-abortion group National Advocates for Pregnant Women.  These aren’t two people anyone can trust to produce a fair study.

I looked quickly at the list of four cases cited and one name caught my eye – Melissa Roland. You gotta be kidding me! Pro-aborts should know better than to make her the poster-girl for their cause. According to prosecutors, Ms. Roland “showed a depraved indifference to human life”  causing the death of one of her twins by refusing to have a c-section. It didn't help her case that the surviving twin tested positive for cocaine and alcohol. Ms. Depraved Indifference refused a c-section because she didn’t want to get a scar.

Pro-aborts can’t seem to understand the concept that parents have an obligation to care for their children and this obligation should be enforced by law. When parents do drugs or any other way endanger their child, we rightly hold them accountable. The location of a child (in or ex utero) doesn’t change the obligation that parents have to the child. Neither should it change the legal consequences to the parents for child abuse.

UPDATE: Personhood USA doesn't believe that women should be prosecuted for healthcare decisions, such as whether or not to get a c-section. Protecting pre-born human beings as persons doesn't imply such prosecution. It does imply that parents should be held accountable for feeding their unborn children illicit drugs such as cocaine.


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