The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Pro-aborts finally discover that life begins at conception


In article after article and on TV news reports too, pro-aborts are saying that the North Dakota’s SCR 4009 Personhood bill will give rights to “fertilized eggs”. But take another look at the actual language of the bill:

The inalienable right to life of every human being at any stage of development must be recognized and protected.

Notice that SCR 4009 only applies to human beings.  Notice also that SCR 4009 does not say when a human being begins her life. It only says that your right to life must be recognized when you’re a human being experiencing “biological development”.

If we’re not human beings until birth, why do pro-aborts oppose the bill? If we’re not alive (that is, experiencing biological development) until birth, what’s all the pro-abortion fuss about?

They want to yabber on about “fertilized eggs”. What are the pro-aborts saying? They’re admitting that what they derisively call a “fertilized egg” (today's "nigger") is in reality a human being. They’re also admitting that life begins at fertilization.

There’s nothing like a well-written Personhood bill to get pro-aborts to admit an established scientific fact. That’s progress.

See Pro-aborts finally discover that an unborn baby is not part of the mother's body


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