The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Pro-aborts finally discover that an unborn baby is not part of the mother's body

Apparently, an Alabama Republican legislator made the following unfortunate statement in an interview regarding an abortion regulation bill:  

When a physician removes a child from a woman, that is the largest organ in a body. That's a big thing. That's a big surgery. You don't have any other organs in your body that are bigger than that.

What I find entertaining is the reaction by pro-aborts. They’re so fired up to say that a Republican is an idiot that they forget their own talking points. You can hardly have an abortion argument without a pro-abort burnishing his anti-science credentials by claiming that an unborn child is part of the mother’s body. But now, they’ve finally realized that unborn baby isn’t “an organ” but a separate living being.

We should celebrate. It’s a big step for pro-aborts to actually acknowledge a well recognized scientific fact.


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