The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Pro-aborts hoping Salvadoran Supreme Court will ok baby-killing

Pro-aborts take advantage of any heart-wrenching situation to push their baby-killing agenda. We see this in Ireland where pro-aborts are using a woman’s tragic death to institute suicide-excuse-abortion on the way to abortion-on-demand.

Now, as Adam Cassandra reports at Human Life International, pro-aborts are playing the same deadly game in El Salvador. As in Ireland:

It is illegal to obtain an abortion under any circumstances in El Salvador, though it is not illegal to save the life of the mother.

A woman, with serious health issues, wants to kill her kid but because her life isn’t in danger she can’t. Because the child has been diagnosed with anencephaly, pro-aborts are salivating over the chance to kill her. So, they’re hoping the Salvadoran Supreme Court will green light the execution.


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