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Pro-aborts in tizzy over banning abortion after 20 weeks


Pro-aborts are in a real tizzy over a bill to ban killing unborn babies who are older than 20 weeks gestation. One pro-abortion Republican Charlie Dent said:

Clearly the economy is on everyone’s minds, we’re seeing very stagnant job numbers, confidence in the institution of government is eroding and now we’re going to have a debate on rape and abortion. The stupidity is simply staggering.

Rep. Dent doesn’t care about the babies being murdered every day in America. In fact, those who do anything to stop the killings are exhibiting “staggering stupidity”. The economy is far more important than the daily slaughter of the innocent. Truly, Rep. Dent would have felt right at home in 1930s Germany.

Regarding “staggering stupidity”, another pro-abort, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said:

There’s limited experience on this panel of those who’ve actually given birth.

Because unless you’ve “actually given birth”, you’re unqualified to see that killing babies should be against the law. Like Pelosi, Jackson thinks giving birth gives one the moral authority to butcher the innocent.

Pro-abort Rep. Zoe Lofgren railed against men too:

The idea that the Republican men on this committee think they can tell the women of America they have to carry to term the product of a rape is outrageous.

How dare you sir!

Rep Lofgren fails to see that abortion is a violent act against an innocent human being. Those “Republican men” aren’t imposing anything. It’s the rapist who did that in a horrible way. Opposing abortion is about stopping people from imposing death on unborn babies.


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