The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Pro-lifers hate women?

I couldn’t help but smile when I read the title of Lizzie Crocker’s pro-abortion screed: Does Arkansas Hate Women? [Pro-abortion] Doctors Decry New Radical Abortion Ban. If you outlaw abortion after 12 weeks, you hate women. Garance Franke-Ruta, at the Atlantic, points out that the new Arkansas law is in line with the baby-killing regulations in many European countries, including France. Une autre femme à la guillotine!

As Lizzie Crocker makes clear, pro-aborts (and leftists in general) love to use mindless ad hominem attacks such as “pro-lifers hate women” and “war on women”.  It’s easier to malign the motives of pro-lifers rather than actually present a rational argument. But since evidence and rational argument support the protection of unborn babies, the repetition of mindless name-calling is the best tactic the pro-aborts have.

Ironically, these ad hominem attacks show that pro-aborts actually have a very low opinion of women. To see what I mean, you have to ask the question “Why is it hateful to outlaw abortion?” Somehow, if they can’t escape from the naturally designed purpose of their reproductive systems, women are degraded in some way. Which means that pro-aborts think that women are degraded by their natural capacity as women.  Or put simply, women are degraded for being women.

Every time you hear pro-aborts chant “war on women” or other similar nonsense, they're only proudly displaying their own degrading view of women.

For more misogyny, see Ilyse Hogue: Women need abortion to be equal to men.
For the real war on women, see Killing girls and What do you think of sex-selection abortion?

12 week unborn baby model


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