The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

TX & MT bills to keep baby-killers from teaching sex ed.

Texas Representative Jeff Leach and Montana Representative Cary Smith have introduced bills which would disallow groups that commit abortion to teach sex education in state schools. These bills look like reasonable incremental steps to disempowering Planned Parenthood.

What’s nice about both bills is that they don’t suggest that abortion is in any way legitimate. Here’s the meat of the Texas bill (HB 1057):

An entity or individual that performs abortions or an affiliate of an entity or individual that performs abortions may not provide human sexuality or family planning instruction or instructional materials for use in human sexuality or family planning instruction in a public school.

The Montana bill (HB 239) drops the bomb at end of a long run-on sentence (Hey, it's worth the wait):

A school district or its personnel or agents may not permit a person, entity, or any affiliate or agent of the person or entity to offer, sponsor, or furnish in any manner any course materials or instruction relating to human sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases to its students or personnel if the person, entity, or affiliate or agent of the person or entity is a provider of abortion services.

I have a problem with calling baby-killing a “service”. I guess slave traders were supplying a “service” to plantation owners too. Besides that, the bills look pretty good.


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