The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Virginia representative compares abortion to the holocaust.

The pro-aborts want to malign Representative Dick Black for comparing abortion to the holocaust.  See here. Be sure to watch the video.

Of course, his comparison isn’t “outrageous and offensive” but completely appropriate. Abortion clinics are death camps. Pro-aborts, just as the Nazis did, use dehumanizing terms to pretend that their victims are not human beings. Pro-aborts are not the same as Nazis, but their tactics of dehumanization are the same. The results of their efforts, the killing of the innocent, are the same too.

Pro-aborts, though, have been far more effective than the Nazis. The Nazis killed over 10 million. The pro-aborts have killed over 50 million just in the US but far more worldwide.


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