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What do you think of sex-selection abortion?


Michael Stokes Paulsen offers an outstanding article at The Weekly Standard, on “gendercide”, the killing of babies because those babies are girls. As Mr. Paulsen points out, it’s the real War on Women.

Please read the article but here are few quotes:

The reality of sex-selection abortion assaults the premises underlying the abortion-rights position…. If abortion on the basis of the sex of the child to be born – killing girls because they are not boys – is not sex discrimination and gender-based violence, it is hard to know what is.

[T]he practice devalues and kills female humans for the sin of being female.

Why exactly, is sex-selection abortion wrong? At bottom, the reason must be that the human fetus is more than an “it.” It’s a girl, or a boy. And once that is recognized the game is up.

The pro-abortion worldview is built on a fabrication. Pro-aborts need to believe that unborn babies are subhuman. Even those who admit the obvious fact that unborn babies are human beings must see them as valueless “others”. Bodily rights and “choice” blanch in the face of the humanity of the victim and the brutality of the killing. Destroy the pretense and abortion ends.


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