The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Your baby has some serious problems, you better kill her.

Claire Murphy at tells how doctors suggested to Jennifer and John Kehoe that they kill their unborn baby Louise because Louise had some severe health defects.

I always remember the very last thing that was said to us by the obstetrician on the last day, ‘50pc mortality by age five, John.'

Because the kid has only a 50% chance of survival to age 5, it’s better to kill the kid now. That way, the baby gets to die and the parents get to spend the rest of their lives knowing that they killed their baby instead of loving her.

Why can’t pro-aborts see how sick that is?

I suggest you read the entire article.

Claire Murphy at tells how doctors suggested to Jennifer and John Kehoe that they kill their unborn baby Louise because Louise had some severe health defects.

“I always remember the very last thing that was said to us by the obstetrician on the last day, ‘50pc mortality by age five, John.'“

Because the kid has only a 50% chance of survival to age 5, it’s better to kill the kid now. That way, the baby gets to die and the parents get to spend the rest of their lives knowing that they killed their baby instead of loving her. Why can’t pro-aborts see how sick that is?

I suggest you read the entire article.

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Claire Murphy at tells how doctors suggested to Jennifer and John Kehoe that they kill their unborn baby Louise because Louise had some severe health defects.

“I always remember the very last thing that was said to us by the obstetrician on the last day, ‘50pc mortality by age five, John.'“

Because the kid has only a 50% chance of survival to age 5, it’s better to kill the kid now. That way, the baby gets to die and the parents get to spend the rest of their lives knowing that they killed their baby instead of loving her. Why can’t pro-aborts see how sick that is?

I suggest you read the entire article.

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