The Free Justina Project

Should doctors and bureaucrats be able to treat children like property instead of persons? We don’t think so. That’s why we need you to stand up for Justina.

Personhood USA seeks to ensure recognition of the dignity and rights of every human individual. This is a clear case where human dignity is being undermined.

Justina Pelletier, a 15-year-old from West Hartford, Conn., is in the fight of her life. After being diagnosed and treated for a rare genetic disorder, Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) overruled the diagnosis and said it was “all just in her head.” When Justina’s parents refused to stop her treatment, BCH assumed custody of Justina and locked her up in the psych ward — against her parents’ wishes. Now she’s being held hostage, treating Justina as property rather than respecting her personhood.

We are calling on the hospital and Department of Children and Families to Free Justina.

Since the State of Massachusetts assumed custody of Justina and locked her away on February 14, 2013, her parents have been caught up in a legal and medical custody battle that has been raging for more than a year. Judge Joseph Johnston has placed a gag order on all parties involved in this case, but Justina’s parents haven’t stopped fighting.

We are David, not against Goliath, but against two Goliaths — Boston Children’s Hospital and the State of Massachusetts,” Justina’s dad, Lou Pelletier, told “To me, it’s a hopeless cause, and the only way to win is in the court of public opinion.

That’s why we need your help. Please add your name to the petition demanding that the State of Massachusetts and Boston Children’s Hospital honor the rights of Justina and her parents. We call on both BCH and the State to release Justina back to her family so she can receive the proper care and therapy she needs.

Lou Pelletier reports that Justina’s health is rapidly deteriorating, so time is of the essence. Please don’t wait to join the thousands of Americans who have raised their voices demanding justice for Justina.

Sign the petition today and let’s return Justina to her family.

UPDATE 2: Send this letter to the Massachusetts State Assembly and Governor Deval Patrick.

UPDATE: Personhood USA President Keith Mason and Lou Pelletier recently appeared on FOX’s The Kelly File to discuss the case.


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