The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Judicial activism strikes again in Alaska

Alexandra Gutierrez, of Alaska Public Radio, reports that the "Alaska Supreme Court rejects fetal personhood initiative". The proposed initiative reads:

Natural Right to Life.

The State of Alaska shall protect the natural right to life and body of all mankind from the beginning of biological development. We the People affirm that the natural right to life and body of the unborn child supersedes the statutory right of the mother to consent to the injury or death of her unborn child. In life threatening situations the law of necessity shall dictate between the life of the mother and her child.

The Alaska Supreme Court decided that the initiative sponsor, Clinton Desjarlais, could not even get signatures on the initiative because it conflicts with Roe v. Wade. The Oklahoma Supreme ruled similarly last year. As a matter of law, this is a facial rejection, meaning that there are no circumstances in which the proposed law could be interpreted in compliance with the “Constitution”, which in pro-abortion speak means Roe.

But this is clearly not the case. For example, the law could apply outside of the abortion context when a drunk driver hits a pregnant woman and kills her unborn child. It could also apply to research that kills a nascent human being outside the womb.

In addition, the Alaska law that defines the scope of proposed initiatives does not limit initiatives by their adherence to Supreme Court rulings or even real constitutionality (the two being quite distinct as in Roe). Here’s the law:

The initiative shall not be used to dedicate revenues, make or repeal appropriations, create courts, define the jurisdiction of courts or prescribe their rules, or enact local or special legislation.

Where in the law does it say that initiatives must conform to unconstitutional Supreme Court rulings? It’s gotta be in there somewhere. Let me take another look.

But when a court wants to trash the rule of law, it can always look to its own precedents, meaning the previous time it trashed the rule of law. And that’s exactly what the Alaska court did.

To summarize, in lieu of ignoring Roe which it should have done, the Alaska Supreme Court was wrong to reject the initiative for at least two reasons:

  1. The proposed initiative has valid application outside the abortion context.
  2. Alaska law does not exclude initiatives because they contradict Supreme Court rulings.

Unlike the many aborted babies in Alaska, judicial activism is alive and kicking.

Personhood USA Marks 1st Anniversary; Announces Strategy for 2010...Personhood In Every State.

Denver, Colorado – November 5, 2009 marks the one-year anniversary of the inception of Personhood USA. Following the Nation’s first-ever Personhood effort to reach an election ballot, Personhood USA was launched by the Colorado campaign’s full-time coordinators, Cal Zastrow and Keith Mason.

. For the first time, Personhood USA is releasing the full list of states participating in Personhood efforts. The complete list is available at

In 2009, Personhood USA exploded into thirty-two states, serving as an advocacy organization for pre-born babies through peaceful activism, legislative efforts, and ballot-access petition initiatives, amassing over 40,000 grassroots volunteers. Personhood USA has seen a staggering number of first-time-ever pro-life volunteers, along with an influx of seasoned pro-lifers who have not participated in pro-life ministry for many years.

“Personhood offers a new hope for pre-born babies that’s exciting and motivating,” remarked Brenda Macmenamin, sponsor of Personhood Florida. “Pro-life Americans are encouraged and inspired as they haven’t been in years.”

“Our goal has been to serve Jesus Christ and offer support to grassroots pro-lifers,” stated Cal Zastrow, co-founder of Personhood USA. “Personhood USA exists to support, encourage, and assist Personhood movements across the country. We are excited to keep this fight against the dehumanization and murder of preborn children moving forward.”

In the past year, Personhood USA has been featured in Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The Las Vegas Review Journal, and numerous other newspapers, blogs, web sites, and radio shows, including acclaimed online news source World Net Daily.

Today Personhood USA announces its goal for 2010: Personhood initiatives in all 50 states. Personhood USA aims to begin, pass, defend, and apply Personhood initiatives in every state, educating every American citizen and making abortion unimaginable.

“Every Personhood attempt is a success,” explained Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We are growing by leaps and bounds, and every attempt offers new opportunities to educate Americans about the value of life. All human beings are people, and we must ensure that their right to live is recognized and protected. That is why, with God’s blessing, by the end of 2010 Personhood USA plans to be in every one of the United States of America.”

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