The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


You turn your back on babies after they're born

This past Saturday, I was getting signatures for “a pro-life petition” (the Colorado Brady Amendment) at the Parker Days parade, when a pro-abort loudly accused me of “turn[ing my] back on babies after they’re born”.

What a hateful thing to say. I had never met the guy before and he knew nothing about me, except that I was promoting a pro-life petition. Yet, he threw this hateful slander at me. That’s the way it is for a lot of pro-aborts: They readily spew their hatred on those with whom they disagree.

We see this all the time. Pro-aborts are quick to malign pro-lifers as conducting a “War on Women”. Again, what a hateful thing to say. Like the pro-abort at the parade, they have no evidence to support their slander. They project their own hate on us. Sad.

Personhood USA: Colorado Governor signs law to repeal abortion criminal laws; makes abortion doctors "untouchable"

DENVER, June 6, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Governor Hickenlooper has signed the “Violence Against Pregnant Women Act” which could carry fines as little as $2,000 for drunk drivers who harm pregnant women, causing the deaths of their children.

Heather Surovik, whose son Brady Surovik was killed in a drunk driving accident just days from delivery, stated, “This is one of the most deceptive bills to be passed in Colorado.”

The bill offers minimal penalties for perpetrators of crimes against pregnant women, while repealing criminal abortion laws already on the books in Colorado.

“This bill has very little to do with justice for pregnant victims of crime in Colorado,” explained Surovik. “Planned Parenthood and other supporters of this new bill opposed my efforts to seek justice for my son’s death just a few months ago. Now they have passed a law that does very little for women like me, while at the same time protecting abortion providers and repealing laws that have been on the books for years.”

The new Crimes Against Pregnant Women act specifically reinforces that babies like Brady are not people, eliminates criminal liabilities for abortionists who kill women during an abortion (by repealing 18-6-102), allows surgical and chemical abortions to be performed on minors without parental consent (by amending 13-22-105), legalizes the sale of chemical abortion drugs to minors (with the amendment of 13-22-105 and repeal of 18-6-102), and allows doctors to operate clinics much like Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia “shop of horrors” by completely exempting them as long as they claim to be providing “medical services” (18-3.5-102).

“Under the current laws in Colorado, there was no justice for my son’s death, and HB 1154 could allow further harm to pregnant women,” concluded Heather. “The best way to seek protection for pregnant victims of violent crimes is with the Brady Amendment, which I am collecting signatures for right now. I am trying to pass the Brady amendment to be a voice for Brady.”

Heather is currently collecting signatures to ensure stiffer criminal penalties for crimes against pregnant women.

Colorado Right to Life promotes Brady Amendment to protect unborn babies from violence

Jason Salzman at writes about a Colorado Right to Life commercial promoting the Brady Amendment. The Brady Amendment is named after an unborn baby who was killed by a drunk driver only days before birth. The CRtL ad promotes the petition so that people will circulate and sign it.

Mr. Salzman transcribes the ad and provides a link to the audio:

An abortionist has been convicted of murder. Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors closed. But Colorado kills many kids from conception through late term. Like Brady Surovik, killed by a drunk driver, these kids are persons. Yet listen to Princeton University’s Peter Singer.

"No, I don’t think it’s problematic to say that a four-month old baby is not actually a person. I think that’s simply true.”

This is widespread, and even taints the White House. It’s up to us to stop this taking of innocent life.

The University of Colorado’s Michael Tooley advocates both abortion and infanticide. Discover Magazine defends the evolution of infanticide.

The New York Times published a call to kill newborns. So did the Journal of Medical Ethics.

It’s up to us to stop the horror. Sign the pro-life Brady Amendment. It’s urgent. Call any Colorado Personhood group to get a petition, or just go to That’s

Listen to the radio ad here, as aired on KNUS May 30.

If you live in Colorado, please call A Voice For Brady (303-456-2800) to get a petition. If you live out of state, you can always come to Colorado to help.

In Abortion Protests, Which to Protect, Children or Speech?

That’s the title of Adam Liptak’s report, at the NY Times, which details Ken Scott’s appeal of

a Colorado court [ruling] barring Mr. Scott from engaging in various kinds of disruptive conduct near [a pro-abortion] church when services are under way.

Maybe, Mr. Liptak's title was intentionally ironic. Mr. Scott was attempting through his speech to protect children, both unborn children from getting butchered and minors from choosing to butcher their babies. Is there a better way to convey the horror of abortion and thus protect children from it than showing pictures of the horror?

According to Mr. Liptak:

On Palm Sunday in 2005, [Mr. Scott] and other protesters turned up near an Episcopal church in Denver. As the parishioners re-enacted Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in an outdoor ceremony, Mr. Scott stood on a parked car on public property and addressed the procession from about 20 feet away.

Some observers said he was loud. Others said he was screaming. He showed large pictures of aborted fetuses. About 200 children were present, and some of them became upset.

Why are the pictures so upsetting? Instead of getting angry at Mr. Scott, people should get upset about the fact that it's legal to rip the legs and arms off of unborn babies.

Victim asks Governor not to sign new Crimes Against Pregnant Women Act

Heather Surovik, whose son was killed in a drunk driving accident just days from delivery, has gone on record opposing HB 1154, titled the “Crimes Against Pregnant Women” act. The bill offers minimal penalties for perpetrators of crimes against pregnant women, while repealing criminal abortion laws already on the books in Colorado.

“This bill has very little to do with justice for pregnant victims of crime in Colorado,” explained Surovik. “Planned Parenthood and other supporters of this new bill opposed my efforts to seek justice for my son’s death just a few months ago. Now they have passed a law that does very little for women like me, while at the same time protecting abortion providers and repealing laws that have been on the books for years. This is a clear case of pro-choice organizations using stories like mine to push their own agendas. Please, Governor Hickenlooper, do not sign this law.”

The new Crimes Against Pregnant Women act specifically reinforces that babies like Brady are not people, eliminates criminal liabilities for abortionists who kill women during an abortion (by repealing 18-6-102), allows surgical and chemical abortions to be performed on minors without parental consent (by amending 13-22-105), legalizes the sale of chemical abortion drugs to minors (with the amendment of 13-22-105 and repeal of 18-6-102), and allows doctors to operate clinics much like Kermit Gosnell’s by completely exempting them as long as they claim to be providing “medical services” (18-3.5-102).

“I was asked by Representative Mike Foote to testify on behalf of this bill, and I was interested in helping until I learned that this bill is a back-door attempt to repeal abortion laws and protect abortionists,” continued Surovik. “I was shocked when the same people pushing the new bill testified against me in the hearings for a more common sense bill. I was told that when my 8 pound 2 ounce son Brady was killed, I only lost a ‘pregnancy’, not a baby. HB 1154 does not allow abortion doctors to be charged even when they are negligent.”

“Under the current laws in Colorado, there was no justice for my son’s death, and HB 1154 could allow further harm to pregnant women,” concluded Heather. “The best way to seek protection for pregnant victims of violent crimes is with the Brady Amendment, which I am collecting signatures for right now. I am trying to pass the Brady amendment to be a voice for Brady.”

Planned Parenthood passes bill to repeal Colorado abortion laws and sets stage for abortionists like Kermit Gosnell to move to Colorado

In a pro-abortion bill disguised as a crimes against pregnant women law, Planned Parenthood passed a repeal of Colorado abortion laws in Colorado today.

After testifying against and defeating HB 1032, a bill to protect Colorado pregnant mothers like Heather Surovik, whose 8lb 2 oz son was killed by a drunk driver in July of 2012, Planned Parenthood has passed HB 1154 which bans criminal charges for women killed in abortion procedures and repeals Colorado criminal laws that have been on the books for years.

Jennifer Mason, spokesperson for Personhood Colorado, commented: “Planned Parenthood’s backdoor attempt to repeal Colorado criminal laws has passed. No matter how negligent an abortionist may be, even if he is on par with Kermit Gosnell, he or she can no longer be criminally charged. Planned Parenthood has effectively created an abortion free-for-all in Colorado. Planned Parenthood’s deceptive new bill has created an infinitely more dangerous environment for pregnant women.”

HB 1154 eliminates criminal liabilities for abortionists who kill women during an abortion (by repealing 18-6-102), allows surgical and chemical abortions to be performed on minors without parental consent (by amending 13-22-105), legalizes the sale of chemical abortion drugs to minors (with the amendment of 13-22-105 and repeal of 18-6-102), and allows doctors to operate clinics much like Kermit Gosnell’s by completely exempting them as long as they claim to be providing “medical services” (18-3.5-102).

The passage of this bill came just hours after a Delaware Planned Parenthood clinic shut down for being exposed for conditions similar to those of Kermit Gosnell’s “house of horrors” in Philadelphia.

“Ironically, the part of this bill that was supposed to criminally charge perpetrators of crimes against pregnant women could enforce a $2,000 fine, which is close to the same price that Planned Parenthood charges for a second trimester abortion,” noted Gualberto Garcia Jones, J.D., legal analyst for Personhood Colorado. “Heather Surovik, who lost her son Brady at the end of her pregnancy because of a drunk driver certainly believes that her son’s life is worth more than $2,000. We stand with Heather, and with Brady, in denouncing HB 1154 and continuing to work to pass the Brady Amendment here in Colorado.”

In Pueblo, Heather Surovik speaks for her unborn son Brady.

The Brady Amendment launches in Colorado

Kevin Jones reports at the Catholic News Agency the launching of the Brady Amendment petition in Colorado. The amendment is named after Heather Surovik’s unborn son Brady who was killed by a drunk driver.  From the article:

The drunk driver was charged for the accident, but he faced no charges in relation to Brady’s death because he was not considered a person under Colorado law.

“For them to sit there and say Brady was not a person is just ridiculous to me, because I saw his heartbeat on the ultrasound. I saw everything about him. Just because Brady didn’t take a breath, they say he wasn’t a person,” Surovik said in a YouTube video titled “The Brady Project.”

 “The law says that Brady wasn’t a person. Brady was 8 lbs, 2 oz. Brady was a person. His life was worth defending,” she said.

She is now backing an amendment to the state constitution that would recognize unborn victims of crimes and negligence as persons under Colorado law.

Earlier this year, Colorado Representative Joshi introduced the Brady Bill to protect unborn victims of crime. Pro-aborts voted the bill down in committee. The thought of recognizing even “wanted” babies as victims was just too much for the pro-aborts to handle.

The day the legislative committee voted down the Brady Bill, Heather Surovik announced The Brady Amendment:

In the interest of the protection of pregnant mothers and their unborn children from criminal offenses and negligent and wrongful acts, the words “person” and “child” in the Colorado Criminal Code and the Colorado Wrongful Death Act must  include unborn human beings.

Now, The Brady petition effort has begun. Pro-life Coloradans must gather 86,000 valid signatures before October 2013 to get the Brady Amendment on the November 2014 ballot.

See The Brady Project, Rep for Pro-choice Group tells grieving mother 8 pound 2 ounce baby was not a person; mother files ballot initiative in response and CNN exposes the humanity of unborn babies

Looking for a sign

In her article entitled “Planned Parenthood doctor accused of forcing abortion”, Kassondra Cloos reports that Ayanna Byer went to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion but:

A medical assistant could not get an I.V. with anesthesia into Byer’s arm, according to the lawsuit, and “she believed this to be a sign she should not go through with the abortion.” However, the suit says, the unnamed doctor allegedly continued with the abortion after Byer said she had changed her mind. (Emphasis added)

It’s easy to see the obvious alleged misconduct of a Planned Parenthood abortionist. Perhaps, he thought “You came here for an abortion. I’ve got a 3pm tee time.”

What I find interesting is Ms. Byer’s readiness to go without the abortion. It’s as if she was looking for an excuse to let her baby live.  Almost anything could have been her “sign”. This element of the story should encourage sidewalk counselors that some women will turn away from abortion if we offer them hope and support.

Nancy Anstett testifies in favor of Colorado abortion ban

During a recent episode of his radio show, Bob Enyart played Nancy Anstett’s powerful testimony in the Colorado capitol in support of Colorado State Representative Humphrey’s abortion ban. Ms. Anstett tells of the pain of her own abortion years ago. Her testimony begins at 14:41.


A few quotes from her testimony:

Abortion is a horrific nightmare except that it is real.

When your baby is gone, you realize too late "My God, what have I done. I killed my own child."

It left me empty, hopeless and alone.

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