The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Personhood Coalition to Hold Three Press Conferences Announcing the Launch of Petition Drive

The Colorado Personhood Coalition will host three separate press conferences throughout the state on Wednesday and Thursday to announce the launch of the 2012 Colorado personhood petition drive. The events will take place at 2pm on Wednesday in front of the Glenwood Springs Planned Parenthood facility, 10am on Thursday in Colorado Springs in front of the west Planned Parenthood facility, and 2pm on Thursday in Denver in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion mega-center. Over 3,000 volunteers will begin circulating the Colorado personhood petition upon arrival on Wednesday.

Last week at the Colorado Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, Planned Parenthood lost their bid to halt the personhood petition effort.

“This victory at the Supreme Court is further confirmation that it is only a matter of time before the equal rights every human being are recognized under Colorado law,” said Personhood Colorado Director Gualberto Garcia Jones, J.D. “With that in mind, we will be taking the fight directly to Planned Parenthood, putting them on notice that the days of aborting Colorado’s preborn babies are nearly over.”

The 2012 Colorado Personhood Amendment has been revised from the 2008 and 2010 personhood ballot initiatives to address voter’s concerns with the issues of contraception, miscarriage, in vitro fertilization, and life-saving medical care. The new and improved measure will detail that only methods of birth control and assisted reproduction that kill a person will be affected, that “spontaneous miscarriages shall not be affected by this section,” and that “medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life shall not be affected by this section.” Medical treatment is defined as including, but not limited to “treatment for cancer, ectopic and molar pregnancy, twin-to-twin trandsfusion syndrome, and placenta previa.”

Planned Parenthood has also recently come out in opposition to Colorado’s Fetal Homicide bill which would provide protections for the preborn. The measure would apply the current criminal code equally for all people, born and preborn. The bill, which has the support of Colorado Right to Life, the Christian Family Alliance, the Fraternal Order of Police, and the District Attorney’s Council could be voted on as soon as Thursday.

“The Colorado Fetal Homicide Bill has the wide, bipartisan support of nearly every major group on both sides of the abortion debate,” continued Garcia Jones. “Planned Parenthood cannot even bring themselves to support a popular and uncontroversial measure protecting children whose mothers have chosen to bring them to term. Their opposition is further evidence of the radical anti-life agenda of the leading opponents of personhood. Planned Parenthood’s concern is not with helping women or children, but rather with protecting their bottom line.”

Who: Colorado Personhood Coalition

What: Press Conference Announcing Petition Drive Launch

When: Wednesday, March 14th, 2pm in Glenwood Springs;
Thursday, March 15th, 10am in Colorado Springs;
Thursday, March 15th, 2pm in Denver

Where: Glenwood Springs Planned Parenthood, 50923 Highway 6,Glenwood Springs, CO 81601;
Colorado Springs Westside Planned Parenthood, 3480 Centennial Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907;
Denver Stapleton Planned Parenthood, 7155 E 38th Ave, Denver, CO 80207
Springs, CO 80907;
Denver Stapleton Planned Parenthood, 7155 E 38th Ave, Denver, CO 80207

Colorado Personhood Amendment to Face Planned Parenthood Supreme Court Challenge

Denver, Colo. — Planned Parenthood filed an appeal on Monday, challenging a ruling from the Colorado Secretary of State Title Board in favor of Personhood Colorado. The 2-1 decision from the board allows a proposed state constitutional amendment, applying the right to life equally to human beings of every age, to proceed to petition.

This is the second such challenge from the pro-abortion group at the state Supreme Court. In 2008, Planned Parenthood filed suit in an attempt to stop a personhood measure from reaching the ballot. The Court dismissed their assertion that the amendment violated the single subject rule which limits citizen-led initiatives to a single issue.

“This appeal is a frivolous attempt to put the brakes on our right to petition on behalf of the preborn,” said Personhood Colorado Director Gualberto Garcia Jones, J.D. “The Court has previously ruled that guaranteeing the rights of a class of human being is a single issue, and we expect a similar ruling this year.”

The new proposal lists the effects of its enactment including that only methods of birth control and assisted reproduction that kill a person will be affected.

The amendment also details that “spontaneous miscarriages shall not be affected by this section” and “medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life shall not be affected by this section.” Medical treatment is defined as including, but not limited to. “treatment for cancer, ectopic and molar pregnancy, twin-to-twin trandsfusion syndrome, and placenta previa.”

The measure further specifies that children conceived through rape or incest shall not be killed for a crime committed by the biological father of the child.

“The charges of single subject violation and vagueness are absurd,” continued Garcia Jones. “Colorado personhood amendments have previously defined constitutional rights as applying to every human being from the moment our lives begin. This proposal does the same thing, and also clears up any ambiguity of what that would entail as applied.”

Planned Parenthood’s 2010 annual report shows 329,455 abortions committed and $487 million dollars in tax-funded income, an increase of over $120 million from the previous year.

“Obviously, this is not about legal ambiguities,” said Garcia Jones. “This is a group, with a vested financial interest in continuing the destruction of innocent life, interfering with the democratic process. It is a naked attempt to protect their pocket book.”

Title Board Okays Colorado Personhood Amendment; Planned Parenthood Expected to File Suit

Denver, Colo. — The Colorado Secretary of State’s Title Board approved Personhood Colorado’s new amendment language Wednesday night prompting Planned Parenthood to announce an appeal of the decision to the state Supreme Court. The board ruled 2-1, allowing the measure to advance to the statewide petition. Opponents have five days to file the challenge.

“We feared that having to come back again for a third attempt might have caused some fatigue in our volunteers, but Planned Parenthood’s attempt to block our efforts will help us by uniting and reminding pro-life advocates of why we are fighting and who we are fighting against,” said Personhood Colorado Director Gualberto Garcia Jones, J.D.

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountain released a statement claiming that the amendment will violate the single-subject rule which limits citizen initiatives to one issue, a charge that has twice been rejected by the board and by the Court in 2008.

Similar to the previous challenges, attorneys for the abortion proponents will argue that the new proposal is “vague” despite the inclusion of a host of new clarifying details.

The 2012 Colorado Personhood Amendment reads: “In order to affirm basic human dignity, be it resolved that the right to life in this constitution applies equally to all innocent persons.”

Revisions in the new language will list the effects of enacting the measure protecting the right to life of every human being. This includes that only birth control devices that kill a person shall be affected, and only assisted reproduction methods that kill a person shall be affected. The amendment will not affect spontaneous miscarriages, and will not affect “medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life.” The latter is defined as including but “not limited to treatment for cancer, ectopic and molar pregnancy, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, and placenta previa.”

“Planned Parenthood’s challenge does not come as a surprise. They are losing the battle in the court of public opinion, and the improved language only ensures that this trend will continue,” continued Garcia Jones. “The abortion industry is really only left with one option. It is the same tactic they used to impose abortion on the entire nation— take the decision out of the hands of the people.”

The latest annual report from Planned Parenthood shows an increase of over $120 million in government funding. The group received $487 million dollars from the taxpayers in 2010.

“It’s not enough that they take our money to continue leading the nation in the number of abortions committed,” said Garcia Jones. “They also want to take away our right to petition.”

Colorado Board Sides with Personhood Proponents, Approves Proposed Amendment Language

DENVER, Colo. — 12/22/2011 — The Colorado Secretary of State’s Title Board voted Wednesday night allowing Personhood Colorado’s proposed personhood amendment to proceed. In a 3-0 decision, the board dismissed a challenge filed by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. This is the third such challenge filed by the pro-abortion coalition in an attempt to block a Colorado personhood measure based on the requirement that ballot initiatives be limited in scope to a single subject. The decision is the third straight victory for the Colorado right to life advocates.

Personhood Colorado submitted new language for 2012 reading: “In order to affirm basic human dignity, be it resolved that the right to life in this constitution applies equally to all innocent persons.” The amendment defines “person” as applying “to every human being regardless of the method of creation” and “human being” as “a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development.”

The amendment language also clarifies the effects of enacting a personhood measure. In keeping with the prohibition on killing innocent persons, the new section will specify that only birth control and assisted reproduction methods that kill developing preborn human beings would be affected.

Spending much of the last two election cycles battling misinformation propagated by personhood opponents, the drafters of the amendment also cite the fact that spontaneous miscarriages and “medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life” would not be affected by the enactment of a personhood measure. The latter is defined as including but “not limited to treatment for cancer, ectopic and molar pregnancy, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, and placenta previa.”

Organizers will have 180 days from the date the format of the petition is approved to submit 85,853 signatures required for ballot access.

“The Colorado Title Board is to be applauded for their discernment,” said Gualberto Garcia Jones, J.D., Director of Personhood Colorado. “Constitutions guarantee many rights, generally with numerous effects, but each is a single principle of law. This amendment simply affirms the most basic of all human rights—the right to live—for all people including the youngest and most vulnerable members of our human family.”

On Monday, Personhood Arkansas submitted the Arkansas Personhood Amendment to the state’s Attorney General, and on Wednesday, Personhood Ohio submitted the required number of initial petition signatures with an amendment protecting the rights of all persons. Both include similar language clarifying the true effects of personhood.

Loss steels resolve in ‘personhood’ movement…

Anti-abortion activists ‘ready to press forward’

By Cheryl Wetzstein

The Washington Times

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Story Topics

Social Issues Jennifer Mason Les Riley Personhood Usa Personhood Mississippi

The Nov. 8 defeat of the “personhood” amendment in Mississippi is galvanizing supporters to have a do-over in the state and also push measures in Colorado, Virginia and at least eight other states, say leaders of the anti-abortion movement.

“I can tell you that we are going to press forward. … We’ve got plans to continue a massive grass-roots campaign,” as well as work with the legislature, said Les Riley, leader of Personhood Mississippi.

“We realize we are changing a culture, and we can’t expect to change the culture with one election. That’s why we are willing to do this as many times as it takes,” said Jennifer Mason, spokeswoman for Personhood USA, which supports coast-to-coast measures seeking to establish human rights at conception.

Petition drives for personhood measures are taking shape or are under way in California, Colorado, Florida, Montana, Nevada, Ohio and Oregon. In addition, lawmakers in Wisconsin and Virginia have introduced personhood legislation, while lawmakers in Georgia have announced plans to do so.

Those amendments will likely face fierce opposition from pro-choice groups — and some pro-life groups.

“Right-wing extremists intend to put so-called ‘personhood’ amendments on as many state ballots as they can,” the National Organization for Women said in a recent year-end fundraising appeal to supporters.

“Enactment of the so-called ‘Personhood’ Amendment to the Wisconsin state constitution is a threat to the protection of Wisconsin unborn children,” Wisconsin Right to Life said after a group of lawmakers introduced a personhood bill last month.

To many pro-life leaders, however, personhood is the battleground of the 21st century.

Emerging issues such as cloning, embryo experimentation and euthanasia necessitate ensuring the right to life for human beings, “womb to tomb,” say personhood supporters such as Georgia Right to Life President Daniel Becker.

“The pro-life movement must mature beyond the singular goal of ‘saving babies’ and engage our current ‘culture of death,’ ” Mr. Becker wrote in his book on personhood this year. “Personhood is the means.”

The stunning defeat of Mississippi’s Amendment 26 — 58 percent of voters rejected it although it was expected to pass handily in the strongly pro-life state — revealed numerous campaign weaknesses.

Personhood Mississippi polled about 10,000 people after the vote, Mr. Riley said. Surprisingly, the biggest reason people voted “no” on personhood was fear that it would prevent infertile couples from using in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to have a baby. Another big fear was that a personhood amendment would prevent pregnant women from getting lifesaving medical treatment.

Those and other fears were advanced by media campaigns, billboards and materials distributed by opponents of Amendment 26 — Mississippians for Healthy Families collected more than $1 million, mostly from Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its chapters, to defeat the amendment.

After the vote, though, a lot of people felt they were deceived, Mr. Riley said. Many have called to say they regret voting no and say, “I want to help you next time,”he said.

The Colorado amendment for 2012 reflects some lessons learned: It clarifies that “only birth control that kills a person” and “only in-vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction that kills a person” would be affected by the amendment and that it does not prevent medical treatment for life-threatening conditions such as cancer, ectopic pregnancies and placenta previa.

“We think that by including a little more information to prohibit our opposition from using these scare tactics will benefit us, while easing voters’ minds,” said Mrs. Mason, who is married to Personhood USA President Keith Mason.

The Colorado amendment’s new language “is an obvious effort to address some of the weaknesses in past proposals and be more clear about what the intent is,” said Clarke Forsythe, senior counsel at Americans United for Life, which, he said, takes a “state-by-state” approach on whether to support personhood amendments.

But such detail surely will open the Colorado personhood campaign to political debates on each of those points, he said. “It won’t be just an abortion issue; it will be an IVF issue. … You will have a campaign on every subsection of it.”

Mrs. Mason is undeterred, saying she thinks young Americans are ready to push forward with personhood.

“I feel like my [baby boomer] parents’ generation had time to change Roe v. Wade and fight against it, and nothing happened,” she said. “Believe me, we have the most volunteers of any pro-life group in the country. And most of these volunteers are young people who want to see a change.”

Backers of Personhood Amendment Try Again - Middle East North Africa Financial News{d3de57b3-d17f-48b0-8b8f-3639827392ed}

Abortion foes to try again to pass personhood amendment in Colorado

A Denver-based anti-abortion group that sponsored an unsuccessful personhood amendment in Mississippi — declaring fertilization the starting point of life — is mobilizing again to push a fortified measure in Colorado, Oregon and Montana.

The group will hold a news conference today on the west steps of the state Capitol to unveil the renewed effort. Personhood amendments have failed twice in Colorado, but organizers think the third time will be different.

They’ll announce official sponsors and unveil exact language for submission to the secretary of state.

They would need about 79,000 valid petition signatures to win a spot on Colorado’s 2012 ballot.

Organizers said Saturday they are banking on broad grassroots support, with volunteers circulating petitions at grocery stores, and a new game plan.

The new version of the measure “will protect every child, no matter their size, level of development, gender, age or race,” said Jennifer Mason, spokeswoman for Personhood USA.

New language “will explain again that every human being is a person from their earliest moments,” Mason said. “And it will include some extra information that hopefully will prohibit lies of our opponents. . . . It will be a departure from what we’ve done before.”

Personhood USA pushed Colorado’s Amendment 62 in 2010 seeking constitutional rights for individuals “at the beginning of biological development.”

Colorado voters rejected it by a 3-to-1 margin — just as they rejected a nearly identical measure in 2008.

This year, Personhood USA turned to the Bible Belt, pushing a measure in Mississippi, but 55 percent of voters rejected it.

If voters were to pass a measure saying life begins at fertilization, legal challenges would be likely because such a measure would conflict with the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling that established a legal right to abortion.

In Colorado, a “No on 62” campaign led by Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains and abortion-rights groups prevailed after raising more than $570,000 — nearly 10 times the cash that abortion foes received.

Abortion-rights advocates in Colorado harnessed lawyers, medical experts and women who had suffered rape and miscarriage. They used public forums to cast the measure as misguided, arguing that, beyond ending abortion, declaring fertilization as the starting point for life would lead to a prohibition of emergency contraception in rape cases and limit treatment for miscarriages, tubal pregnancies and infertility.

Now, anti-abortion groups in Colorado, Oregon and Montana will try to sway voters again, Mason said.

Bruce Finley: 303-954-1700 or [email protected]

Colorado abortion foes to try 'personhood' measures again - Boulder Daily Camera

DENVER — An anti-abortion group that sponsored an unsuccessful constitutional amendment in Mississippi said Monday it will try again next year in Colorado, Montana and Oregon.

Denver-based Personhood USA has campaigned for state constitutional amendments defining life as beginning at fertilization. The amendments sought to ban abortion. Many physicians have said they could make some birth control illegal and deter in vitro fertilization.

Personhood amendments have failed twice in Colorado, and Mississippi voters rejected an amendment this year.

A new version of the measure “will protect every child, no matter their size, level of development, gender, age or race,” Jennifer Mason, spokeswoman for Personhood USA, told The Denver Post.

Personhood USA said it would submit its proposed ballot language to the Colorado secretary of state’s office for approval before collecting signatures to place it on the ballot.

Organizers said they will have volunteers circulate petitions at grocery stores.

Any successful measure would likely trigger legal challenges because it would conflict with the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling that established a legal right to abortion.

In Mississippi, which has some of the nation’s toughest abortion regulations, voters rejected a proposed state constitutional amendment 58 percent to 42 percent on Nov. 8. Republican Gov. Haley Barbour said he thought proponents erred by putting the amendment on the ballot instead of going through the Legislature.

“If it had gone to the Legislature, the wrinkles in it would have been worked out,” Barbour said after the vote.

“Instead, these were some people from Colorado who had an initiative they tried twice to pass in Colorado and they couldn’t,” Barbour said. “And they thought, ‘What’s the most pro-life state in the country?’ Well it’s Mississippi. So they came to Mississippi with a half-baked initiative.”

In 2008 and 2010, Colorado voters overwhelmingly rejected anti-abortion proposals that would have granted constitutional rights at the moment of conception under the state constitution. Opponents warned the amendments would ban fertility treatments and emergency contraception if they harmed fertilized eggs. Backers argued 21st century DNA experiments make it imperative to give fetuses human rights.

Abortion rights advocates raised nearly 10 times the cash that abortion foes did to defeat the 2010 effort.

CO Right to Life Leader Vows 2012 Personhood Effort, Despite MS Loss…
On Kevin Swanson’s “Generations Radio” show, broadcast Nov. 11 from his basement in eastern Colorado, Colorado Right to Life Vice President Leslie Hanks vowed to press ahead next year with a third try at passing a Personhood Amendment in Colorado.

Hanks sounded mildly disappointed with Mississippi’s rejection Tues. of a Personhood measure by a 58-to-42-percent margin, but she told Swanson that the Personhood movement is “moving in the right direction,” gaining 27% in CO in 2008, 30% 2010, and 42% in Mississippi this week.
Jason Salzman :: CO Right to Life Leader Vows 2012 Personhood Effort, Despite MS Loss

Hanks invited Swanson’s listeners to a “March for Life” Jan. 21 at noon on the west steps of the CO Capitol, where the third attempt to pass a Personhood Amendment in Colorado will be officially launched and petitions for gathering signatures to put the measure on the ballot will be available. Mike Adams of conservative and others will speak, Hanks to Swanson, at the “Round Three Personhood Colorado” event.

She told Swanson that Personhood activists in Florida are gathering signitures now, as are supporters in Ohio and Montana. Coloradoans were the first in the country to vote on a Personhood amendment in 2008.

“We won’t quit until justice has been served for all those innocent children who have been killed,” Hanks told Swanson.

“This is the kind of thing that bothers the other side,” Swanson concluded at the end of his broadcast. “They realize, we’re not giving up. And that really irritates them. And I’ll tell ya, to be honest, I kind of enjoy that.”

Swanson, who’s Nov. 11 broadcast was titled “Making Progress on Personhood,” is a pastor, who tells his listeners that his radio show “is trying to put some things back together during the decline of western civilization, the breakdown of faith, family, and freedom, the breakdown of morality, and of course the massive, massive increase in the state, that is statism, tyranny, government tyranny.”

Abortion Foes To Try ‘Personhood’ Measures Again - CBS…

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Oregon, U.S. Supreme Court, Personhood, DNA, Montana, Mississippi, Anti-Abortion, Personhood USA, Jennifer Mason, Roe vs. Wade, Haley Barbour

DENVER (AP) – An anti-abortion group that sponsored an unsuccessful constitutional amendment in Mississippi said Monday it will try again with a revised version next year in Colorado, Montana and Oregon.

Denver-based Personhood USA has campaigned for state constitutional amendments defining life as beginning at fertilization. While the amendments sought to ban abortion, many physicians said they could make some birth control illegal and deter in vitro fertilization.

Those personhood amendments failed twice in Colorado, and Mississippi voters rejected an amendment this year.

On Monday, Personhood USA proposed adding a new section that states “the intentional killing of any innocent person is prohibited” and that the right to life “applies equally to all innocent persons.”

Only birth control, in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction “that kills a person” would be affected by the amendment.

The term “person” would apply to “every human being regardless of the method of creation.” A human being is “a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development,” it states.

While spontaneous miscarriages and medical treatment for life-threatening physical conditions would not be affected, no exception would be made for abortions in cases of rape or incest.

The proposed measure seeks to better explain to voters what would and would not be affected, said Jennifer Mason, spokeswoman for Personhood USA.

“We’ve seen the opposition use scare tactics to convince people to vote `No,”‘ Mason said. “We cannot ban in vitro fertilization. So we explain this would affect only those practices that kill human embryos.”

Personhood USA said it would submit its proposed language to the Colorado secretary of state’s office for approval before collecting signatures to place it on the ballot.

Mason said Personhood USA planned to submit amendments in Montana and Oregon “at the request of citizens in both states.” She did not elaborate other than to say the Denver group was supporting local activists.

Any successful measure would likely trigger legal challenges because it would conflict with the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that established a legal right to abortion.

In Mississippi, which has some of the nation’s toughest abortion regulations, voters rejected a proposed state constitutional amendment 58 percent to 42 percent on Nov. 8. Republican Gov. Haley Barbour said he thought proponents erred by putting the amendment on the ballot instead of going through the Legislature.

“If it had gone to the Legislature, the wrinkles in it would have been worked out,” Barbour said after the vote.

“Instead, these were some people from Colorado who had an initiative they tried twice to pass in Colorado and they couldn’t,” Barbour said. “And they thought, `What’s the most pro-life state in the country?’ Well it’s Mississippi. So they came to Mississippi with a half-baked initiative.”

In 2008 and 2010, Colorado voters overwhelmingly rejected anti-abortion proposals that would have granted constitutional rights at the moment of conception under the state constitution. Opponents warned the amendments would ban fertility treatments and emergency contraception if they harmed fertilized eggs. Backers argued 21st century DNA experiments make it imperative to give fetuses human rights.

Abortion rights advocates raised nearly 10 times the cash that abortion foes did to defeat the 2010 effort. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains issued a statement Monday saying it will fight any new measure in Colorado.

LINK: Text of Proposed Amendment

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