The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Holocaust Survivor Supported Personhood - My Time with Martin Small

Dear Friends,

Two years ago, I had the incredible opportunity to visit with a man that has been put through far more than any other human should ever be put through. An evening that will change my life forever, meeting Martin Small has been a high point for me in this campaign to restore respect for all human life.

By all odds Mr Small should not have survived the horrors that Adolph Hitler inflicted on him and his Jewish brothers and sisters. Many times two years ago as Mr. Small shared parts of his story with me, I had to really fight the tears away.

Martin escaped death numerous times as a slave laborer, starving fugitive on the run, and as a captive at the Mauthausen death camp.

Mr. Small was literally left on a pile of dead bodies in the death camp he was tortured in, left to die with the others that were murdered by the Nazi’s. He was nearly dead himself when a soldier found him and placed him in an ambulance to be saved.

His story is so incredible and powerful and best told by him. You can read his story in his autobiography “Remember Us”. I strongly urge you to buy a copy and hear Martin’s story yourself. I know you will be impacted greatly as I have.

In 2008, Martin Small endorsed the Personhood Amendment here in Colorado!

During my incredible time visiting with Mr Small, he showed me many pieces of his artwork, (he was an amazing artist by the way) and he was gracious to sign the petition as well!

He explained why he was pro-life, and told of of a man he once knew in New York that was an abortionist. He said that the man was very rich, and he wondered what he did to make so much money. “When Dr. Rowe showed me the tools that he used to reach in and crush the babies head, I turned white and got sick,” said Martin Small as he explained why he supports our effort to restore personhood and protect the innocent.

Mr. Small went on to tell us how he rebuked Dr. Rowe for killing babies, and informed us that from the day he found out he would have nothing to do with him any longer.

When he was asked if he would say something to all of the people working tirelessly to protect human life from fertilization he replied with powerful words, “I have seen people being burned alive, I have seen babies boiled in oil, I SUPPORT THIS!” he exclaimed.

I got chills and failed at fighting the tears in my eyes as Mr. Small spoke. With passion and a mountain of life experience, Martin Small spoke to our generation as one who was once considered a “non-person” by some.

I believe that Mr. Small served as an amazing encouragement to all who devote their lives to protect the innocent, and with his life experience in mind we should all push forward!

I often look back on my time with Martin Small, who survived a deadly Nazi concentration camp, and think of his bravery. Martin Small inspired me, with his passion and zeal for life and courageous actions, to continue to fight for the lives of the preborn baby. How many strong and brave men like Martin Small have been killed in the womb in America?

Sadly, Martin Small passed away a few months after I met with him. But I look at my time with him as an encouragement for Amendment 62, and every attempt to save human lives, to NEVER give up hope, NEVER stop trying, and NEVER forget the tragic consequences of dehumanizing other people. On behalf of the babies, it is time to fight like we’ve never fought before, sharing the TRUTH of the humanity of the preborn child. Let’s use Mr. Small’s example of courage, conviction, and strength to WIN the culture war here in Colorado!

In His Service,

Keith Mason

Major Ballot Measures Across Country Could Upend Status Quo…

In California, climate change could be coming to an end, while recreational marijuana use may be legalized.

In Oklahoma, courts could be ordered not to consider Islamic or international law in their rulings.

In Washington, wealthy residents are facing a potential new state income tax aimed at bolstering education and health care.

These are just a few of the 160 statewide ballot initiatives in 37 states that voters will weigh Tuesday that could alter the way the states do business. The ballot measures include provisions in Arizona, Colorado and Oklahoma seeking to eliminate within those states the new federal mandate to purchase health care.

While state ballot questions pop up in every election cycle, several of the measures this year have attracted national attention.

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Perhaps the most famous ones are in California. Voters appear to be turning against Proposition 23, which would suspend the state’s law targeting global warming, and Proposition 19, which would legalize pot.

If Proposition 23 passes, it would suspend implementation of the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act until state unemployment drops to 5.5 percent and stays there for a year – a very rare occurrence.

A new poll found that 48 percent of likely voters oppose the measure, 32 support it and 19 percent are undecided.

Proposition 19, an initiative that could make California the first state to legalize marijuana, is a lot closer, according to a poll from the Public Policy Institute of California. In that poll, 49 percent oppose it compared with 44 percent who are in favor of it.

But U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has warned that if it passes, the Obama administration won’t look the other way, as it has with the state’s legalization of medical marijuana.

Under the measure, adults could possess up to one ounce of the drug and grow small gardens on private property. Local governments would decide whether to allow and tax sales.

In Oklahoma, voters will decide whether they support a state constitutional amendment that would prohibit the courts from considering Islamic or other international law in their decisions. The “Save Our State” amendment easily passed a Republican-controlled state legislature earlier this year. And a poll by the Tulsa World in July found that 49 percent of voters supported the amendment, with 24 percent opposing it and 27 percent undecided.

In Colorado, abortion foes are pushing a “personhood” amendment, which would change the state constitution to grant citizenship rights at the “beginning of biological development.”

In Washington, a battle of the billionaires is unfolding, as the co-founders of Microsoft find themselves on opposite sides of Initiative 1098, which would establish an income tax for wealthier residents.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates supports the measure, while his founding partner, Paul Allen, opposes it. If approved, the measure would institute state income taxes on couples making more than $400,000 or $200,000 for individuals. The money would be directed toward state education and health programs.

But opponents say it could discourage businesses from coming to the state.

Colorado Springs Gazette - We won't give up!

As my story running Saturday at points out, Amendment 62 is very similar to Amendment 48, which wanted to grant personhood to the unborn and was on the ballot in the 2008 state elections.

Amendment 48 was defeated at the polls by a wide margin: 73 percent of Coloradans voted no, and 63.3 percent in El Paso County voted no.

So why will Amendment 48 not have a similar fate? Personhood Colorado director Gualberto Garcia Jones said the coalition behind Amendment 62 is much more savvy in discussing the measure, and the cultural and political climate has become more conservative than it was in 2008.

Jones denied that the measure is merely a symbolic gesture, but he acknowledged the coalition has its work cut out for it. He said the climate today might mean a jump of 15 percent in the polls compared to the 2008 results, which would put it at 42 percent — still shy of what it needs but a respectable percentage.

“It’s a stretch, but the positive thing is we did it again, and we are still standing up for truth,” Jones told me. “Whether we win or not, it’s important we keep building.”

If Amendment 62 loses, enough momentum has developed that within a few years a “personhood” amendment may pass, seemed to be what Jones was saying. He gave the example of a similar amendment in South Dakota that took eight tries to pass.

“A few things in the political spectrum have a black and white stand, and this is one of them,” Jones said. “When you talk about inherent value of a human being, that should be black and white.”

“If God wants it, it will pass.”

Video: Planned Parenthood Declares War on Science

Planned Parenthood Rep Says Science Irrelevant in Amendment 62 Debate

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- Amendment 62 organizers have released video in which the No on 62 side declared, "We are not going to try to use science, or evidence," then "Science is not ultimate cannot be applied to my body..."

The debate took place at Fort Lewis College in Durango, between Amendment 62 representatives and the Planned Parenthood group "Advocates for Choice", which, according to the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains website, exists to "Educate young people."

The Planned Parenthood group's statements against science came after pro-life groups LifeGuard, Durango Pregnancy Center, Bayfield Christian, and Master Plan Ministry gave a science-based presentation detailing evidence that every human being's life begins at the onset of fertilization.

Next, the No on 62 side claimed that "Abortion is...safer...than getting your wisdom teeth removed."

"Abortion is infinitely more dangerous than wisdom tooth extraction. You can't deny that 'dry socket' from wisdom tooth extraction is far safer than a perforated uterus, sepsis, infertility, scarring of the uterus, breast cancer, and death, which are just some of the possible complications of abortion," explained Jennifer Mason, a spokesperson for Amendment 62. "Abortion is not safer than wisdom tooth extraction, neither for the mom, nor the innocent child in her womb."

No on 62 reps also claimed "We're talking about science like it's something that's absolutely concrete... there's people on our side that research that says that the heart doesn't beat until 24 weeks."

"Textbooks, scientists, doctors, even abortionists know that the human heart starts beating at 22 days. How could they claim that a baby has no heartbeat before 24 weeks? It's outrageous," stated Dan Anguis, Amendment 62 organizer and Executive Director of LifeGuard in Durango. "Either the opponents of Amendment 62 are deliberately deceiving the public, or they have no scientific evidence to back their position. Either way, their disregard for science, medicine, and reason has left them with no lucid argument against Amendment 62."

"It's just shocking that they are distributing this misinformation to the public," added Mason. "The opposition to Amendment 62 is deceiving voters, basing their campaign on opinion and false statements. The simple truth is that a baby in the womb has a heartbeat days after her life begins, not months after. This is just one example of the opposition's dehumanization of the child in the womb, who deserves to be protected." 

Watch a clip at: or the entire debate at:

Abortionist Grossman Fails His Own Imaginary “8th Grade Health Class”, Claims eggs are human beings…

Abortionist Grossman Fails His Own Imaginary “8th Grade Health Class”

Abortionist Richard Grossman falsely claimed in the Durango Herald that “Anyone who graduated from an eighth-grade health class knows that the start of the biological development is the human egg.”

Dr. Grossman says that the problem with Colorado’s Amendment 62 is that it claims that my “eggs”– even those still safely ensconced in my ovaries – are people.

Amendment 62 does not talk about eggs, nor does it apply to eggs. It applies to people. Amendment 62 simply says that the term ‘person’ shall apply to every human being. Does abortionist Grossman really believe that women have thousands of human beings hanging out in their ovaries?

As someone who has not graduated medical school, or practiced ‘medicine’ for many years as Dr. Grossman has, I could find this to be an intimidating dilemma. Logic and reason tell me that Grossman is wrong. Yet how can I, a mere high school graduate and stay-at-home mother, possibly argue with such an education?

As I pondered this question of the beginning of a human being’s biological development, I realized that I had but one recourse available to me, one that nearly every member of my generation has at their disposal – I Googled it.

Imagine my surprise when the very first entry that appeared in my Google search was from Wikipedia. And here is what I found: “Biological Development: Development begins with fertilization, the process by which the male gamete, the sperm cell, and the female gamete, the egg, fuse to produce a zygote.” If Wikipedia knows what the beginning of biological development is, and I know what it is, why doesn’t Dr. Grossman?

It seems that Dr. Grossman, who kills ‘unwanted’ babies by abortion on Wednesday and delivers ‘wanted’ babies into parents’ arms at the local Catholic hospital on Thursday, must have been sleeping in that eighth grade health class he mentioned.

A little bit of further research showed me that the medical, scientific, and legal communities do not regard oocytes to be humans any more than they regard sperm to be humans. No, a new human being – a person – is present from the beginning of biological development, which very clearly means the fusion of sperm and oocyte, when, as world-renowned geneticist Dr. Jerome LeJeune stated, “After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being. [It] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion…it is plain experimental evidence. Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception.” Knowing for certain that life begins at fertilization means that Amendment 62 must pass, and everyone who has a shred of basic decency should vote Yes to recognize that all human beings are people.

The evidence is overwhelming – human development begins with fertilization. Pick up a human embryology text book and you will see that Dr. Grossman clearly does not know what he is talking about – either that, or he’s intentionally lying. Human embryology experts, lawyers, scientists, and bioethicists are familiar with the phrase ‘beginning of biological development’. So why isn’t an abortion “expert” like Dr. Richard Grossman aware of it?

I found it shocking that Dr. Grossman told the Durango Herald that “When a woman says a fetus is a person, I think it is one” several months ago, and now he is saying that eggs are people? Maybe it’s not so shocking when you realize that Grossman’s abortion profiteering would be halted by the passage of Amendment 62.

I think that Grossman needs a crash course in basic biology, preferably before he continues to practice ‘medicine’. - Jennifer Mason, Denver, Colorado, Personhood Colorado

Amendment 62 Protects Human Life - The Coloradoan

Amendment 62 protects human life

Kimberly Tyson lives in Loveland. • October 24, 2010

Do you believe that every human being has intrinsic value or are we simply biological material that can be tossed out based on personal preference? When as a society we diminish the value of human life, we open the door to discard people at any stage of their biological development. When we say a woman has the right to “control her own body,” we dismiss the basic scientific fact that all human life begins at conception and that we all began life as a unique individual in the form of an embryo.

Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, stated, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” (Women and the New Race, 1923) If you agree with her, then you are likely someone who believes humans are simply biological material that can be tossed out based on personal preference.

Don’t be deceived, most “choices” to abort a child are based on convenience — less than 1 percent of abortions are due to rape or incest or the mother’s health. Susan Smith decided to drown her two young children because they were making it “inconvenient” for her to get together with her wealthy boyfriend. We are horrified by her actions, but are unmoved by late-term abortion where you can physically see that it is a human being that has been killed for convenience.

Is it difficult to deal with an unplanned pregnancy? Yes, it most certainly is difficult. Is it difficult to choose to give birth to the child? Yes, it most certainly is difficult. What has happened to personal responsibility? Amendment 62 does not eliminate birth control, it does not eliminate fertility treatments, it does not eliminate a woman’s ability to receive health care, and abortion is not health care. It does say that life is worthy of protection at all stages of development. Please vote yes on amendment 62.

Culture and Media Institute Commentary: Colorado Personhood Amendment is 'Social Justice'

CMI Commentary: Colorado Personhood Amendment is ‘Social Justice’
HuffPo contributor misses the point about a woman’s right to choose.

By Erin Brown
Culture and Media Institute
October 22, 2010

In typical lefty fashion, the Huffington Post is hiding behind a “qualified” author to make a feminist, pro-abortion argument. Rev Dawn Duval, a minister of social justice (whatever that means) and mother of two, wrote a passionate piece to slam Colorado Amendment 62 and its supporters, while making the misaligned point that in defining a fertilized egg as a person, it removes a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body.

Amendment 62 would apply “the term ‘person’ … to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.” How dare they!

“As a woman, as a mother of two toddlers, and as an ordained minister, I find Amendment 62 offensive,” Duval wrote. “I find it insulting, hurtful and demeaning.” Well, with credentials like that, who could question her disjointed, misinformed arguments?

“The truth about Amendment 62 is that it eliminates a woman’s right to make private decisions about her body, her health, and her future,” Duval claimed. “Amendment 62 assumes that women are not smart enough – it assumes that we are not competent enough, or strong enough, or compassionate enough, or trustworthy enough – to make personal decisions concerning our bodies or our reproductive health.”

Herein lies the first false assumption by Duval: that women’s rights are being taken away. Every single woman in the United States has a right to personal decisions with her body and her reproductive health. Women in this country are extremely well-educated about the birds and the bees and the ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies (and at a very young age, thanks to tax-payer funded public school sex-education programs). But, as liberal, Duval is concerned with when the choices and freedoms occur.

Life-defending conservatives believe that a woman has every right to make decisions about her own personal, reproductive health and that these decisions come before a pregnancy is ever in question. The left would be quick to point out that not every woman is given the choice to become pregnant, such as in cases of rape and incest. Tragically, sexual abuse resulting in unwanted pregnancies does occur, but the numbers are low. According to the National Right to Life Web site, “Women have cited ‘social reasons’, not mother’s health or rape/incest as their motivation in approximately 93% of all abortions.”

And in the case of rape or incest, an innocent life has been created and hangs in the balance (see, French geneticist Jermoe L. LeJeune’s Senate Subcommittee testimony for proof that life begins at conception). Two wrongs do not make a right. The baby should not suffer the consequence of an act of violence against a woman. This point is lost on Duval and the Huffington Post.

Duval includes a quote from NAACP Colorado State Conference president Beatrice Madison that claims lower-income women don’t have equal access to reproductive health rights and that a woman’s right to choose is constitutionally protected. “This is not about the morality, the right and wrong; this is about upholding the constitution, and a woman’s constitutional right to choose,” said Madison at the NAACP Colorado State Conference last week. “This is about ensuring that all women maintain the right to that choice, especially women who are low-income. Reproductive rights should not belong only to the wealthy but to all of us.”

Again, the false assumption is that lower-income women do not have as much opportunity to access reproductive healthcare or the “right to that choice” as wealthy women. Health clinics, high schools nurses’ offices and Planned Parenthood clinics pass out condoms like free candy.

The third false premise Duval asserts is that this is an issue of personal freedom for the mother. “Let there be no doubt, this is a civil rights issue. This audacious invasion is not civil, and it is not right. This is an issue of personal freedom.” But for whom is it an issue of personal freedom? The child in question is given no personal freedom if it is deemed a fetus, a blob of cells, and essentially expendable at the whim of the mother.

Duval asserts that abortions are constitutionally protected. I haven’t seen that clause. But I do know that the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are cited in the Declaration of Independence, and the growing human baby is not given that opportunity when the mother chooses to selfishly commit murder.

Similarly, Duval misses the mark again when she claims that “a society that forces a woman to reproduce against her will – a society that prevents a woman and doctors from using advances in technology – is not civil. That society is not right.”

Society has never forced any woman to reproduce; the Colorado amendment is attempting to establish personhood for an unborn fetus, so as to guarantee protection for the fetus from having its life terminated. According to the text of the amendment, it is to provide the person “inalienable rights, equality of justice and due process of law.” Unwanted babies cannot defend themselves, and the government exists to protect and defend the rights of all people. If Colorado citizens pass Amendment 62, they are merely extending the same rights they have been granted, to the most vulnerable members of society – unborn babies.

That’s something a “minister of social justice” might want to consider.

Pam Tebow Encourages Colorado Voters to Say 'Yes' to Personhood Amendment - Black Christian News

Pam Tebow Encourages Colorado Voters to Say ‘Yes’ to Personhood Amendment
October 20, 2010 12:39 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks…
The mother of celebrated NFL rookie quarterback Tim Tebow is encouraging Colorado voters to say “yes” to a proposed Colorado amendment that would define a “person” in the state to include “every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

“A child’s right to life begins at conception, not at birth,” states Pam Tebow in her endorsement of the Colorado Fetal Personhood Amendment (62).

“From conception, all children are people, made in the image and likeness of God,” the mother of five adds. “Thus, I support the Personhood amendment and appeal to Colorado voters to vote ‘yes’ on amendment 62.”

This year, for the second time, Colorado voters will be faced with the question of personhood on the statewide ballot. The first time such a measure reached the voters was in 2008, when the Colorado Definition of Person Initiative sought to define a person as “any human being from the moment of fertilization.”

The 2008 measure, which was defeated 73 percent to 27 percent, had been criticized for its potential to not only make abortion illegal but also to outlaw certain methods of birth control that focus on interfering with the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Having learned from 2008, the groups supporting the 2010 effort - Colorado Right to Life and Personhood USA - are more optimistic this time around as this year’s effort is better funded, backs a measure that’s more accurately worded, and has spokespeople more experienced than those in 2008.

And Pam Tebow, the latest to endorse the amendment, is undoubtedly a woman with experience.

SOURCE: The Christian Post
Eric Young

Opinion: Greeley Tribune Election Mailbox for Oct 23

When does the personhood of a human being begin? That’s the question you’ll have to answer before voting on Amendment 62. It’s not what others believe but what do you believe after being intellectually honest with yourself and your conscience.

The question of personhood can invoke strong emotions. But the question is straight forward and basic. When do you believe personhood begins? Is it when the biological development of a baby’s life begins or when a baby is viable outside the mother’s womb?

So I ask you: Is your unborn child, grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin or neighbor property or a person? If you answer property, vote no on Amendment 62. If you answer a person, vote yes on Amendment 62; the choice is yours.

Clair Orr, Greeley

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