The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Tim Tebow's Mom Endorses Colo. Personhood Amendment - Christian Post

The mother of celebrated NFL rookie quarterback Tim Tebow is encouraging Colorado voters to say “yes” to a proposed Colorado amendment that would define a “person” in the state to include “every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”
Tim Tebow ad
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(Photo: Focus on the Family)
Pam Tebow holds a baby picture of Florida Gators’ star Tim Tebow in a Super Bowl XLIV commercial, produced by Focus on the Family.

* Tebow Super Bowl Ad Leads Viewers to ‘God Story’ * FOTF: Tebow Story Receives Over 760,000 Hits

“A child’s right to life begins at conception, not at birth,” states Pam Tebow in her endorsement of the Colorado Fetal Personhood Amendment (62).

“From conception, all children are people, made in the image and likeness of God,” the mother of five adds. “Thus, I support the Personhood amendment and appeal to Colorado voters to vote ‘yes’ on amendment 62.”

This year, for the second time, Colorado voters will be faced with the question of personhood on the statewide ballot. The first time such a measure reached the voters was in 2008, when the Colorado Definition of Person Initiative sought to define a person as “any human being from the moment of fertilization.”

The 2008 measure, which was defeated 73 percent to 27 percent, had been criticized for its potential to not only make abortion illegal but also to outlaw certain methods of birth control that focus on interfering with the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Having learned from 2008, the groups supporting the 2010 effort – Colorado Right to Life and Personhood USA – are more optimistic this time around as this year’s effort is better funded, backs a measure that’s more accurately worded, and has spokespeople more experienced than those in 2008.

And Pam Tebow, the latest to endorse the amendment, is undoubtedly a woman with experience.

When Pam was pregnant with Tim at the age of 37, she was told by a doctor in the Philippines town where she and her husband were missionaries that she had to abort the “mass of fetal tissue” immediately in order to save her own life.

“She (the doctor) said he was a tumor,” Pam recalled.

But the Tebows were adamant about keeping “Timmy,” whom they had been praying for even before conception. Despite the risk, Pam carried the pregnancy to term and gave birth to Timothy Richard Tebow in August 1987.

“Pam Tebow had the courage and conviction to choose life, despite desperate circumstances,” commented Keith Mason, manager of the Yes on 62 Campaign. “Parents facing difficult pregnancies should realize that the child in their womb is a person, just as Pam Tebow realized her son’s humanity, value, and dignity while he was in the womb. He is just as much of a person today as he was when the doctor advised that he be aborted.”

Adding to that, Amendment 62 cosponsor Leslie Hanks said Pam’s testimony “serves as an inspiration to women in difficult pregnancies.”

“Although it was challenging, Pam did the right thing, and the world is a better place for it,” Hanks added. “Likewise, Colorado’s ‘Yes’ vote on Amendment 62 is the right thing for Colorado. Amendment 62 will ensure that Colorado is a better, safer place for women and for preborn babies.”

While Tim Tebow has had little playing time since joining the Denver Broncos this year, he is, as Denver Post columnist Woody Paige noted, “the most celebrated fourth-string rookie quarterback in NFL history.”

Before joining the NFL, Tebow was one of the nation’s top college football players and helped the University of Florida win college football’s national championship game in 2007 and 2009. During the 2007 season, he also became the first college football player to both rush and pass for twenty or more touchdowns in a single season and the first college sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy.

Notably, however, Tebow has yet to throw an NFL pass six weeks into the season and only scored his first professional career touchdown this past Sunday on a run five yards from the goal line. The Broncos’ starting quarterback, Kyle Orton, has been one of the best NFL quarterbacks this season.

Still, since being drafted, Tebow has had the best-selling jersey in the entire NFL each month.

Personhood Amendment 62’s ‘Pro-Life Tea Party’ Launched in Colorado with New Video

Denver, CO, 10/20/2010 – Amendment 62, the Personhood Amendment, has launched, which is a site dedicated to the particular tea party sentiment of adhering to the United States Constitution. To date, the website content only includes a video which is a chronicle of the legalization of abortion in Colorado and the Obama agenda of taxpayer funded abortions. After its internet release just a few days ago, the video has already been watched by over 20,000 individual internet users.
The website and video draw attention to the millions of dollars spent by President Obama on international abortion, and the possible future funding of abortion.
“This video is a powerful testimony to the corruption in our government,” stated Jennifer Mason, a spokesperson for Amendment 62. “The new ‘Pro Life Tea Party’ video is an opportunity for tea party participants who especially feel strongly about pro-life issues to learn about putting a stop to taxpayer funded abortions. Here in Colorado, that means passing Amendment 62.”
The U.S. Constitution very clearly outlines the right to life for all persons. Amendment 62 recognizes the personhood of every human being, and the new calls for a return to the Constitutional “right to life” of every person.
“The purpose of our new video is to ask voters to affirm the rights of every human being,” continued Jennifer Mason. “Every innocent human being has a right to live. In America, that right is doubly protected by the Constitution. In our new video at, we simply recognize that it’s time for our country to stand up for what is right and put an end to the death and destruction once and for all.”
Amendment 62 is a grassroots campaign comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment 62 to the Colorado constitution, which reads: “Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

Pam Tebow, Mother of Heisman Trophy Winner, Endorses Colorado Personhood Amendment 62


Denver, CO - 10/18/2010 – Pam Tebow, mother of five including Denver Bronco Tim Tebow, has endorsed Colorado’s Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, which is the only pro-life issue on the ballot anywhere in the U.S. in 2010.

“A child’s right to life begins at conception, not at birth. From conception, all children are people, made in the image and likeness of God. Thus, I support the Personhood amendment and appeal to Colorado voters to vote “yes” on amendment 62,” stated Pam Tebow, in support of Amendment 62.

Pam Tebow made headline news when she and Heisman-trophy winning son Tim Tebow appeared in a pro-life television ad during the 2010 Superbowl. The real headline story was not the ad, but Pam’s refusal to let doctors take her son’s life while she was pregnant. The ad was sponsored by Focus on the Family, which has also urged Colorado voters to vote “Yes” on Amendment 62.

In an interview with Focus on the Family, the Tebows explained the circumstances of Pam’s high-risk pregnancy. Pam recalled, “We went to see a doctor in the town we lived in and she said [he] wasn’t a baby at all. [She said] he was a mass of fetal tissue and that I needed to abort him immediately if I was going to save my life.” Despite a myriad of concerns about Pam’s life and the life of her baby, the Tebows fought through a difficult pregnancy and gave their son life.

“Pam Tebow had the courage and conviction to choose life, despite desperate circumstances,” commented Keith Mason, Manager of the Yes on 62 Campaign. “Parents facing difficult pregnancies should realize that the child in their womb is a person, just as Pam Tebow realized her son’s humanity, value, and dignity while he was in the womb. He is just as much of a person today as he was when the doctor advised that he be aborted.”

“Pam Tebow’s testimony serves as an inspiration to women in difficult pregnancies,” added Leslie Hanks, cosponsor of Amendment 62. “Although it was challenging, Pam did the right thing, and the world is a better place for it. Likewise, Colorado’s “Yes” vote on Amendment 62 is the right thing for Colorado. Amendment 62 will ensure that Colorado is a better, safer place for women and for preborn babies.”

Human Embryonic Stem Cells Used in Humans for the first time; Urgent need for Personhood Now

Reuters has reported that doctors have, for the first time, begun treating a patient using stem cells derived from the killing of innocent human beings.
Embryonic stem cell therapy and research systematically destroys living human persons who are frozen in their early stages of human development.

The Carnegie Stages of Human Development, a universal system for staging and comparing embryologic development, states that “human development begins at fertilization…” which “marks the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.”

“These unique human beings deserve better than experimentation, death, and destruction,” stated Jennifer Mason, a spokesperson for Personhood USA. “Reuters did not mention whether or not the parents of the children used for this therapy were notified of the deaths of their babies, but I cannot imagine parents are willing to sacrifice their children’s lives for research and therapies that may not even work.”

Adult stem cells have already proven successful, and therapies using adult stem cells have been reported to treat cancers, auto-immune diseases, cardiovascular problems, immunodeficiencies, neural degenerative diseases and injuries, anemias, wounds, and dozens of other illnesses and injuries.

“Social justice begins in the womb. A single cell embryo is a part of the human family. It’s what all human beings look like at their biological beginning,” explained Walter Hoye, spokesman for Personhood USA. “The grave reality facing us today is this: If anyone can be denied their humanity … then everyone can be denied their humanity. Colorado’s Amendment 62 understands this, gets the life question right and offers real hope to America.”

According to Reuters, most babies used in the new embryonic stem cell therapy are the children of couples who have undergone in-vitro fertilization. These babies used for embryonic stem cell research are the “leftovers”, unwanted and unloved. Those same babies could have joined their siblings and families, or they could have been placed for adoption. Even at the earliest stages of human development, there is no question that the new life is human. Regardless of the location of their creation, in a woman’s body or in the lab, all human beings are people.

Personhood amendments, such as Colorado’s Amendment 62, would protect all children from the beginning of their biological development, ensuring that even babies created through in vitro fertilization were not sentenced to death for research.

Trash the Blue Book” Press Conference

Personhood Amendment 62 organizers are holding a press conference on Tuesday, October 12th to announce their plans regarding the lawsuit filed against the Colorado Legislative Council for their libelous statements against Amendment 62.
Amendments 60, 61, and 62 will take this opportunity to correct the false Blue Book statements, “Trash the Blue Book”, and to issue correct and factual information.
“The Blue Book is replete with lies about Amendment 62, and it was paid for with our tax dollars,” commented Jennifer Mason, a spokesperson for Amendment 62. “Since the Legislative Council trashed our amendment with deceptions, we are asking voters to trash their Blue Books, treating them like the garbage that they are, and to seek accurate information about the Amendments.”
Doug “Dayhorse”Campbell, former candidate for U.S. Senate, stated, “The Legislative Council analysts are deceptive, and the legislative committee is intransigent. The Blue Book ends up being a government propaganda piece, truly misrepresenting any initiative it deems to be exerting control over the government.”
What: “Trash the Blue Book” Press Conference
Who: Amendment 62 and others
Where: West Steps of the Capitol Building
When: Tuesday, October 12, at 10:45am
The Colorado Legislative Council’s website states the following: “The purpose of the ballot information booklet is to provide voters with the text, title, and a fair and impartial analysis of each initiated or referred constitutional amendment, law, or question on the ballot.”
Amendment 62 sponsors and organizers maintain that the ballot information booklet (The Colorado Blue Book) is not fair or impartial, but in fact glaringly biased against Amendment 62.

Amendment 62 Lawsuit Against Blue Book Dismissed for Jurisdiction; Legislative Council Has No Accountability

Today Judge Hyatt decided to dismiss the lawsuit filed against the Colorado Blue Book by the sponsors of Amendment 62, claiming that the court has no jurisdiction over the Colorado Legislative Council.

“The ruling on the court’s jurisdiction is wrong, based on Section 1-1-102 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Further, I think it is apparent that the court believes there is no authority over the Colorado Legislative Council, and that is scary. The Colorado Legislative Council can print anything they want to based on their own prejudices, and my tax dollars have to pay for it,” stated Gualberto GarciaJones, co-sponsor of Amendment 62. “In a government based on checks and balances, it is appalling that the Council can print slanderous, false statements and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.”

Article V, Section 1 of the Colorado Constitution states: “A fair and impartial analysis of each measure, twhich shall include a summary and the major arguments both for and against the measure, and which may include any other information that would assist understanding the purpose and effect of the measure. Any person may file written comments for consideration by the research staff during the preparation of such analysis. “

Amendment 62 sponsors and lawsuit plaintiffs Gualberto GarciaJones and Leslie Hanks say that there is no question that the analysis of Amendment was not fair or impartial, that it did not include the major arguments for the measure, and that their comments were completely disregarded by the research staff of the legislative council.

“The Blue Book’s false claims are so egregious that we were forced to take action,” continued GarciaJones. “Outright lies were printed about Amendment 62, and it is ridiculous that we weren’t even allowed input into the ‘Arguments For’ the Amendment that we wrote and sponsored. That is why we plan to appeal this dismissal and right the grievous wrong that has been committed against our campaign. The Colorado Blue Book is incorrect and unfair, and must be corrected immediately.”

Although the Colorado Blue Book has already been printed and distributed, Gualberto GarciaJones and Leslie Hanks are requesting that the Colorado Legislative Council correct the erroneous statements immediately by mailing a correction to every Colorado voter that received the Blue Book.

The Colorado Blue Book also claimed that treatment for miscarriages, tubal pregnancies, and infertility could be limited by the Amendment, all of which is false. The Blue Book also claimed that the measure could subject doctors and nurses to legal action for providing medical care to a woman of child-bearing age, which is also false, and alleged that “the beginning of biological development” has no established legal meaning and is not an accepted medical or scientific term, despite pages of expert evidence to the contrary. These are just some of the blatant falsehoods and biased statements published in the Colorado Blue Book, which sponsors may attempt to correct through the appeal process.

Letter to the Editor Regarding your article “Concerns Over Personhood” from Wednesday, September 29.

I am happy to report that Ruben Alvero, Andrew Ross, and Jim Burness, who were quoted in your article from the “No on 62” press conference, can whole-heartedly support Amendment 62, and we look forward to their “Yes” vote.

These men were quoted with false statements that collectively claim Amendment 62 would halt stem cell research, ban in vitro fertilization, and delay health care for women who have had miscarriages. If those are the only objections that these men have against Amendment 62, they can rest easy and vote “YES” because every one of those statements is FALSE.

Despite the scare tactics employed by billion-dollar-per-year abortion profiteer Planned Parenthood (the driving force behind the ‘No on 62’ efforts), Colorado citizens deserve to know the truth about Amendment 62. The truth is this: 1. Amendment 62 will NOT ban the most promising forms of stem cell research, 2. Amendment 62 will NOT ban in vitro fertilization, and 3. Amendment 62 will NOT delay health care to women who have had miscarriages!

It would be impossible! Further, Amendment 62 will NOT ban ANY contraceptives, and only affects chemical and surgical abortions.

What will Amendment 62 accomplish? Amendment 62 will protect innocent human beings. Amendment 62 would make in vitro fertilization safer for those children that so many couples are desperate to have. Amendment 62 recognizes the simple truth that all human beings are people! All people have rights!
I noticed, also, that the article used the term “fertilized eggs” which is scientifically and medically inaccurate. The scientifically authoritative Carnegie Stages of Early Human Development says “The term egg is best reserved for…the breakfast table.”Carnegie Stage 1 identifies terms, like “egg”, which have “no scientific usefulness.” As the term “fertilized egg” is derogatory and dehumanizing, please use a scientifically accurate term such as embryo or zygote.

I urge your readers to ignore the scare tactics from the largest abortion provider in the nation, which has a very vested financial interest in keeping abortion legal with no restrictions. Instead, pick up any human embryology textbook and see that medically and scientifically speaking, children in the womb are living, growing, developing human beings!
Jennifer Mason, Personhood Colorado

Personhood Amendment 62 Files Lawsuit; Tries to Stop Distribution of Biased “Colorado Blue Book”

Amendment 62 sponsors filed a lawsuit today against the Colorado Legislative Counsel, attempting to stop the publication and statewide distribution of the “Colorado Blue Book”.

The Colorado Legislative Council’s website states that the purpose of the Colorado Blue Book is “to provide voters with the text, title, and a fair and impartial analysis.”

Amendment 62 sponsors and organizers maintain that the ballot information booklet (The Colorado Blue Book), is not fair or impartial, but in fact glaringly biased against Amendment 62. Sponsors attempted several times to change the prejudiced text, in writing and at the public hearing, yet none of their objections were recognized.

“As soon as we saw the text online, we knew we had to do something to stop these lies from going out to Colorado voters,” explained Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of Amendment 62 and lawsuit Plaintiff. “First, we were disallowed from including the text of the Amendment in the ‘Arguments For’ section. The ‘Arguments For’ section is weak and does not include most of the arguments for Amendment 62. The Blue Book authors didn’t stop there, however, and published several falsehoods about Amendment 62. Women could never be denied healthcare for miscarriages with the passage of Amendment 62, yet that is one of the lies our opposition is using as a scare tactic – and one of the lies propagated by the Colorado Blue Book.”

Amendment 62 sponsors even provided letters to Senators from embryology experts and cell biologists, one of whom said that the statement proposed for the Blue book was “political, not scientific”, and went on to explain the scientific fallacies of the proposed Blue Book statements, yet the expert statements were disregarded.

“We made several attempts in writing and in person to correct the fabrications in the Blue Book, yet we were largely ignored by the Colorado Legislative Council,” declared Leslie Hanks, co-sponsor of Amendment 62 and lawsuit Plaintiff. “Now, our only choice is legal action to keep the State from using our own tax dollars to send lies about Amendment 62 to voters. From recent news articles, we gather that we are not the only group to see the clear bias – mostly against conservative issues – in this year’s Blue Book. We are only asking for fair and impartial treatment from the governing officials, regardless of their personal feelings.”

Press Release: Only One Pro-Life Issue on the Ballot in Entire U.S. - ‘Personhood Amendment 62’ is Best Hope for Babies in November

Denver, CO, 09/14/2010 –Pro-life voters will have only one pro-life measure to vote on this November, and that is only if they are registered to vote in Colorado. Colorado’s Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, is the only pro-life ballot issue to make it to the November polls this year in the United States.

“Ballot initiatives are very difficult,” commented Keith Mason, Manager of the Amendment 62 campaign. “Our initiative efforts were successful because, with God’s help, we seek to protect every human person in the state of Colorado. We have truth, medicine, and scientific fact on our side. The people behind Amendment 62 have given their all to see Personhood on the ballot, because they are passionate about defending human life.”

Volunteer researchers for Personhood Colorado discovered that although quite a few pro-life ballot initiatives were attempted on a wide range of pro-life issues, yet only Colorado’s Personhood Amendment was successful for the November 2010 ballot.

“Personhood Nevada, Personhood Alaska, and Personhood Missouri were denied their rights to even begin collecting signatures, which is why you won’t see Personhood on the ballot anywhere other than Colorado,” clarified Cal Zastrow, co-founder of Personhood USA. “The ACLU and Planned Parenthood joined forces in the name of baby-murder to keep us from moving forward in Nevada and Missouri, in particular. We are looking forward to Personhood in Mississippi in 2011 and Florida in 2012, and of course, to victory in Colorado this November.”

“Personhood is about recognizing the dignity of every human life – the young, old, disabled, or infirm - every human has a right to live,” explained Gualberto Garcia-Jones, sponsor of Amendment 62. “Amendment 62 will protect every person, regardless of their circumstances, by love and by law. To be a person is to be protected by a series of God-given and constitutionally protected rights. ALL human beings are people, and must be recognized as such. A “Yes on 62” vote is a vote for life. ”

Personhood Colorado is a grassroots organization comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment to the Colorado constitution, which reads: “Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

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