The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Only One Pro-Life Issue on the Ballot in Entire U.S. - ‘Personhood Amendment 62’ is Best Hope for Babies in November

Pro-life voters will have only one pro-life measure to vote on this November, and that is only if they are registered to vote in Colorado. Colorado’s Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, is the only pro-life ballot issue to make it to the November polls this year in the United States.

“Ballot initiatives are very difficult,” commented Keith Mason, Manager of the Amendment 62 campaign. “Our initiative efforts were successful because, with God’s help, we seek to protect every human person in the state of Colorado. We have truth, medicine, and scientific fact on our side. The people behind Amendment 62 have given their all to see Personhood on the ballot, because they are passionate about defending human life.”

Volunteer researchers for Personhood Colorado discovered that although quite a few pro-life ballot initiatives were attempted on a wide range of pro-life issues, yet only Colorado’s Personhood Amendment was successful for the November 2010 ballot.

“Personhood Nevada, Personhood Alaska, and Personhood Missouri were denied their rights to even begin collecting signatures, which is why you won’t see Personhood on the ballot anywhere other than Colorado,” clarified Cal Zastrow, co-founder of Personhood USA. “The ACLU and Planned Parenthood joined forces in the name of baby murder to keep us from moving forward in Nevada and Missouri, in particular. We are looking forward to Personhood in Mississippi in 2011 and Florida in 2012, and of course, to victory in Colorado this November.”

“Personhood is about recognizing the dignity of every human life – the young, old, disabled, or infirm - every human has a right to live,” explained Gualberto Garcia-Jones, sponsor of Amendment 62. “Amendment 62 will protect every person, regardless of their circumstances, by love and by law. To be a person is to be protected by a series of God-given and constitutionally protected rights. ALL human beings are people, and must be recognized as such. A “Yes on 62” vote is a vote for life. ”

Personhood Colorado is a grassroots organization comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment to the Colorado constitution, which reads: “Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

Abortion Profiteers Relying on False Claims to Attack Colorado Personhood Amendment 62

Personhood Colorado and Colorado Right to Life, co-sponsors of Colorado’s Personhood Amendment 62, have discovered that their only opposition, ‘Protect Families Protect Choices’, is backed by none other than abortion profiteer Planned Parenthood.

“Protect Families Protect Choices” is co-chaired by Planned Parenthood and NARAL, two of the largest pro-abortion organizations in the United States. Planned Parenthood has reportedly brought in over $1.02 billion dollars in recent years, and NARAL’s financial reports have shown over 6 million.

“’Protect Families Protect Choices’ appears to be a cover group for Planned Parenthood,” stated Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA and Manager of the “Yes on 62” campaign. “Of course Planned Parenthood opposes Amendment 62, because it would cut into their profit, and tax dollars for abortion on demand. Who cares more about women: the multi-million- and billion-dollar-per-year organizations who profit from abortion, or the thousands of volunteers who don’t want to see even one more woman hurt by abortion? Clearly, those of us who do not profit from abortion are more invested in speaking the truth – abortion kills babies and harms women. Planned Parenthood and NARAL exploit women for financial gain, and Amendment 62 is primed to put a stop to their profiteering. This is a case of big money versus the people of Colorado, and the people will prevail.”

Personhood Colorado volunteer researchers have uncovered a myriad of deceptions and outright lies from the abortion-proceeds camp, some of them boldly posted on the groups’ websites.

“Our opposition is relying on scare tactics to frighten voters,” explained Leslie Hanks, co-sponsor of Amendment 62. “For example, NARAL’s claims about miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy are patently false. Women would not be investigated for miscarriages, and of course women wouldn’t be denied health care or forced to carry an ectopic pregnancy that would kill both her and the baby. Even the No on 62 slogan is disingenuous – claiming that 62 goes ‘too far’, when any abortion regulation is ‘too far’ for these abortion profiteers. These false claims are calculated to frighten women away from the truth.”

“It’s become abundantly clear that as Planned Parenthood and NARAL’s coffers increase, so does their propensity for deception,” added Hanks. “’Protect Families Protect Choices’ is a misnomer, and misleading to the public. An organization that profits from the killing of children is not protecting anything or anybody. On the contrary, women are endangered by ‘Protect Families Protect Choices’ and their attempts to dehumanize children in the womb. Amendment 62 supports the human rights of all human beings, while ‘Protect Families Protect Choices’ appears to seek the best interest of Planned Parenthood – lining their pockets – and discriminates against babies in the womb.”

Personhood Amendment 62 Campaign Launches in Colorado

Amendment 62, Colorado’s Personhood Amendment, announces its launch today as it prepares to pass Amendment 62 in November’s election.

Amendment 62, cosponsored by Colorado Right to Life and Personhood Colorado, states “ Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”
Fortified with endorsements from Human Life International, American Life League, Summit Ministries, Pastor Walter Hoye, Lila Rose of Live Action, and many others, Amendment 62 is utilizing its thousands of volunteers to prepare for a win in November.

On July 4th, the Amendment 62 campaign unveiled, a website designed to capitalize on the grassroots personhood movement in Colorado, which will be utilized to saturate the state with grassroots activity through November’s election. Completed activities will turn the state of Colorado purple, and the color will indicate the level of grassroots success in the state.

“As we launch the campaign for Amendment 62, utilizes our strengths by empowering our volunteers. Colorado has never seen such strong grassroots organization, and that is what we believe will bring victory in November,” stated Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. answers the question: “What can I do to help?” Pro-life Coloradans select a campaign activity, follow simple instructions, and make their campaign efforts visible to other Amendment 62 supporters. Supporters can actually watch their efforts combine into a greater whole to make a difference on behalf of preborn babies in Colorado.

The Tracker will help our state secure recognition of the right to life acknowledged by America’s Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…”
“Personhood is the core issue of the pro-life movement,” explained amendment co-sponsor Gualberto Garcia-Jones, “The preborn child is a human being, all human beings are persons, and all persons have a right to live from biological beginning to natural death.”

Colorado’s Personhood Amendment has boasted one of the largest volunteer signature campaigns in state history, resulting in one of the largest pro-life grassroots organizations Colorado has ever seen. In March, volunteers surprised naysayers by collecting 46,671 signatures in 15 days, when only just over 15,000 were required.

Hope and Change.....

Dear friend of human dignity,

In an ethically corrupt vote on March 21, Congress passed the dreaded ObamaCare legislation. This disastrous new mandate will not only turn your healthcare decisions over to government bureaucrats, it will force you to pay for the killing of innocent, unborn children!

All seemed hopeless in the aftermath of the vote.

But just five days later, the Colorado Secretary of State certified Personhood Colorado’s “personhood amendment” for the November ballot, giving us the opportunity to fight back on behalf of life, and against ObamaCare.

And that, my friend, is exactly what we’re doing. Please keep reading for all the details . . .

This is our time. Pro-lifers all across the nation must come together to support and pass Amendment 62 — the Personhood Amendment.

You see, if we affirm the God-given dignity of the unborn, they can no longer be treated as property. And this is what ObamaCare does: it treats the preborn, the elderly, the disabled, and anyone who does not measure up to their arbitrary standards as less than a person . . . as human property of the state!

But Personhood USA can land a fatal blow to Obamacare this November — but only if you join us in the fight right now!

Will you join Personhood USA in this critical battle, with both your prayers and your financial support?

(Click Here To Contribute: )

If so, you’ll be working alongside some of the most incredible, life-affirming people ever. When the chips were down, and it looked as if we might come up short in our drive to get Amendment 62 on the ballot, Personhood USA and the pro-life warriors of Colorado came through, producing some 47,000 signatures in just two weeks, and pushing us over the top!

And now we have less than four months to get the word out about Amendment 62 — the Personhood Amendment.

It’s up to you to level the playing field with your faithful financial support.

Now, here’s some of our strategy as we head toward this critical vote . . .

As the old saying goes, “All politics is local.” And that couldn’t be more true than in this coming election!

Time is already short . . . I desperately need your help supporting this vitally important ballot measure.

Click Here To Contribute:

With your sacrificial gift today, you can accomplish so much in the cause of life. Not only is Personhood USA reaching out to the people of Colorado with the truth about life, we’re also building a revolutionary internet tool at With this site, we can focus the energy of pro-lifers across the state, and let them watch their efforts grow!

But the project isn’t complete and the programmers hired to get the job done in time haven’t been paid in weeks. I need you to help us finish building the

We only need $13,000 more to complete this vital project. And I’m counting on you to be the one who makes the final push!

The project is local campaign empowerment, not only in Colorado but to all of the Personhood Campaigns across the Country.

And I need you to send a sacrificial gift that will enable us to pursue our various strategies to save babies, including getting up and running.

(Click Here To Contribute: )

You see, we need to educate the people of Colorado, and get at least 800,000 citizens to vote yes on Amendment 62 this November.

If you believe in what Personhood USA is doing, if you think Personhood for the unborn is a righteous and worthy effort, if you want to stop the killing of babies with your tax dollars, then I need you to make a sacrificial gift today.

We are headed into the heat of battle here in Colorado, and we need your help to secure victory.

Your gift of $50, $125, $250, or even $500 will go a long way toward getting My up and running as well as reaching millions of your fellow Coloradans with the message of Personhood. Perhaps you can give more, say, $1000 or even $10,000. Whatever you can give, rest assured, it will be used to end the slaughter of the preborn!

(Click Here To Contribute: )

For far too long, the pro-life movement has been on the defensive, running from one crisis to another, just trying to hold our ground.

But no more. Now we go on the offensive and take the battle to the enemy. We’ve declared war on those who shake their fists at God and shed innocent blood, so now let’s finish the fight together.

From now through November, I need you at my side as we battle the enemies of life. This is your chance to help, to join the fray at the most critical time.

I am pleading with you today, with humbleness and urgency, to pray for the cause of the unborn, pray for the leadership here at Personhood USA, pray for pro-lifers who are committing to our cause every day, pray for the politicians who are beginning to see the momentum of the Personhood strategy, and please pray for me and my family as we give this fight our all.

May God bless you abundantly for what you’ve done and given to the cause of justice for the unborn. Your faithfulness will be rewarded as you give all you can to work His will in this lost and dying word.

Humble in His service,
Keith Mason
Co-Founder Personhood USA
Manager, Amendment 62 Campaign

P.S. The stakes have never been higher for the innocent unborn. Let’s do all we can to stop the moral descent in America that has led to so many, many deaths. Please send your best possible gift today to Personhood USA. To mail a contribution please send it to:
Personhood USA
PO Box 486
Arvada, Co 80001

God bless you!

(Click Here To Contribute: )

Historic Campaign Tracking Web Portal Launched in Colorado Personhood Amendment

Colorado’s Amendment 62 personhood campaign is set to launch a remarkable Internet tool,, on July 4th, 2010. The Tracker will help our state secure recognition of the right to life acknowledged by America’s Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…”
“We have human rights because we are made in our Creator’s image and likeness,” said amendment co-sponsor Leslie Hanks, “and therefore we have a moral obligation to protect and love our children, born and preborn.” is a multi-functioning website designed to capitalize on the grassroots personhood movement in Colorado, and will be utilized to saturate the state with grassroots activity through November’s election.

The innovative and comprehensive answers the question: “What can I do to help?” Pro-life Coloradans select a campaign activity, follow simple instructions, and make their campaign efforts visible to other Amendment 62 supporters. Supporters can actually watch their efforts combine into a greater whole to make a difference on behalf of preborn babies in Colorado.

Colorado’s Personhood Amendment has boasted one of the largest volunteer signature campaigns in state history, resulting in one of the largest pro-life grassroots organizations Colorado has ever seen. In March, volunteers astounded naysayers by collecting 46,671 signatures, when only just over 15,000 were required. Colorado personhood volunteers are eagerly standing by to utilize

“Personhood has been a movement of average people, with average resources, fighting an enormous battle against the killing of human persons,” stated Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We have seen these people, many of whom had never volunteered for a pro-life cause before, band together with God’s help to post staggering victories in putting Personhood on the ballot. Now, with, we have a phenomenal resource that can help us win in November.”

Amendment 62, cosponsored by Colorado Right to Life and Personhood Colorado, states “ Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

Historic Campaign Web Portal Launched for Colorado Personhood Amendment

Historic Campaign Web Portal Launched for Colorado Personhood Amendment

MEDIA ADVISORY, July 2 /Christian Newswire/ — Colorado’s Amendment 62 personhood campaign is set to launch a remarkable Internet tool,, on July 4th, 2010. The Tracker will help our state secure recognition of the right to life acknowledged by America’s Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…”

“We have human rights because we are made in our Creator’s image and likeness,” said amendment co-sponsor Leslie Hanks, “and therefore we have a moral obligation to protect and love our children, born and preborn.” is a multi-functioning website designed to capitalize on the grassroots personhood movement in Colorado, and will be utilized to saturate the state with grassroots activity through November’s election. is designed to encourage the grassroots personhood movement in Colorado to reach local communities across our state with our campaign message of “Persons not Property,” through November’s election.

The innovative answers the question: “What can I do to help?” Pro-life Coloradans select a campaign activity, follow simple instructions, and make their campaign efforts visible to other Amendment 62 supporters. Supporters can actually watch their efforts combine into a greater whole to make a difference on behalf of preborn babies in Colorado.

Colorado’s Personhood Amendment has boasted one of the largest volunteer signature campaigns in state history, resulting in one of the largest pro-life grassroots organizations Colorado has ever seen. In March, volunteers surprised naysayers by collecting 46,671 signatures, when only just over 15,000 were required. Colorado personhood volunteers are eager to begin using

“Personhood is a movement of average people, with average resources, fighting an enormous battle against the killing of human persons,” stated Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We have seen these people, many of whom had never volunteered for a pro-life cause before, band together with God’s help to post amazing victories in putting Personhood on the ballot. Now, with, we have a phenomenal resource that can help us win in November.”

Amendment 62, co-sponsored by Colorado Right To Life and Personhood Colorado, states: “Person defined. As used in sections 3, 6, and 25 of Article II of the state constitution, the term ‘person’ shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

Amendment 62 / Personhood, gets more GOP support than in 2008 Junction Daily Sentinel Pro-life measure’s support revived

By Charles Ashby
Monday, May 10, 2010

The last time the personhood amendment made the Colorado ballot in 2008, a number of anti-abortion Republican leaders either distanced themselves from it or outright opposed the idea because they said it went too far.

None of that seems to be the case with the 2010 version of the measure, political observers say.

As a result, all of the top-named GOP candidates for governor and the U.S. Senate have publicly supported the ballot question that would declare that life begins at conception.

That’s a big contrast from 2008, when such top GOP people as then-U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer and Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dick Wadhams, among others, were outspoken critics of the ballot question that voters ultimately trounced by an overwhelmingly 3-1 margin.

This year’s ballot question, known as Amendment 62, is written virtually the same. Instead of saying a human life begins at the moment of fertilization, it says life begins at the “biological development” of that human being.

What’s the difference?

“There isn’t a big difference,” said Gualberto Garcia Jones, director of Personhood Colorado, the group that put both measures on the ballot. “It’s a technicality, but it’s not meant to mislead anyone or give us an excuse to do it again.”

The ultimate goal is to make abortion illegal, and the ballot means to do that by drawing what would almost certainly be a court challenge. Garcia Jones and other personhood supporters hope that inevitable lawsuit will lead to a reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that led to legalized abortions.

In 2008, however, top GOP leaders such as Wadhams and Schaffer said if the personhood measure ended up in court, it ran the risk of solidifying that court ruling rather than reversing it.

But while Garcia Jones disagreed with arguments against the 2008 ballot question now just as much as he did then, he was surprised to learn it’s winning support among such mainstream political candidates as Jane Norton and Ken Buck, who are running for U.S. Senate, and Dan Maes and Scott McInnis, who announced his support for the idea at a Western Colorado Conservative Alliance debate last week.

“Just goes to show you, I’m the director of the campaign and I didn’t know that,” he said. “If they’re supporting it, it’s probably because of a combination of their principles and the political climate.”

Democrats are just as much against the idea this year as they were the last time, and they’re not alone. The Colorado Catholic Conference, which represents the state’s three Catholic dioceses on matters of public policy, is expected to come out against it this year as it did in 2008.

Political pollster Floyd Ciruli said the politics behind the ballot question, just like politics in general this year compared to 2008, are entirely different.

That election was viewed as a big Democratic year, and polarizing GOP social issues such as abortion were unlikely to go anywhere, Ciruli said.

This year the political landscape is more favorable to Republicans, and any issue that would bring conservative voters to the polls is something they need to embrace, he said.

“This is a primary in which these front-runner candidates are being challenged by their right,” Ciruli said. “Not only do they need to win that challenge, they still need lots of enthusiasm from that block of voters. When you look down the repertoire of what they have said, they are consistently taking the most conservative views that they might have waffled on a few years ago.”

Like Ciruli, Wadhams said taking such far-right stances on social issues won’t hurt Republican candidates in general elections as they may have in the past, because the electorate as a whole isn’t focused on them.

Historically, candidates on both sides of the political aisle tended to steer clear of such hot-button issues that can pull them too far from the center. But this year, the focus is so directed on the economy, jobs and fiscal matters, such issues as abortion will almost go unnoticed, Wadhams said.

“I don’t think is this is going to be a defining issue in these campaigns either way,” he said. “What is far more of issue is the cost, scope, size and power of government. That has to do with the stimulus bill, the health care bill, cap and trade, car taxes. Those are the issues that define the agenda of 2010.”

Colorado Personhood Amendment to Appear on 2010 Ballot; Volunteers Collect 3X Required Signatures

The Colorado Personhood Amendment’s signatures have been certified, and the Personhood Amendment will be on the Colorado ballot in November.

Personhood Colorado has sponsored a ballot initiative to amend the State Constitution recognizing the Personhood rights of all humans, from their biological beginning to their natural death. The Amendment states: “Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

On March 4, the Colorado Secretary of State disclosed that 15,690 of the 79,648 signatures submitted by Personhood Colorado were invalid. As allowed by Colorado law, volunteers then had 15 days to replace the invalid signatures with new, valid voter signatures. In response, Personhood Colorado volunteers collected 47,114 signatures, three times as many signatures as were required.

On Friday, March 26 the Colorado Secretary of State verified that the Personhood Amendment had submitted enough signatures to be on the November 26 ballot, citing that in the first submission, 60,357 of the 79,648 submitted signatures were valid, and that in the 15 day curing period, 35,527 of the 47,114 submitted signatures were found valid. Therefore, of the 126,762 submitted signatures, 95,884 were found to be valid voter signatures, surpassing the required number of 76,047 by nearly 20,000.

“We are very thankful for our volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure that the Personhood Amendment is on the 2010 ballot,” stated Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the Personhood Amendment. “We are counting on all of our supporters and many volunteers to vote Yes on the Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, in November.”

Colorado Personhood Amendment Submits 46,671 Signatures – Ensures Spot on 2010 Ballot.

DENVER/ March 18 – Personhood Colorado, sponsors of the 2010 Personhood Amendment, today submitted 46,671 signatures to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office.
On March 4, the Colorado Secretary of State disclosed that 20.63% of the 79,648 signatures submitted by Personhood Colorado were invalid. As allowed by Colorado law, volunteers then had 15 days to replace the invalid signatures with new, valid voter signatures. That translated to over 1,000 signatures per day.
“Over the past few days, the massive quantities of signatures that poured in just amazed us,” remarked Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the Personhood Ballot initiative.”That means that we collected over 2,600 signatures each day, about 2 signatures per minute. Some of our volunteers were working all hours of the day, and that is a testament to what we already knew – that Colorado citizens recognize the value of human life and have worked extremely hard to see that each human life is protected.”
The 700+ volunteer petitioners worked around the clock to gather signatures, frequenting churches, grocery stores, Tuesday Caucuses, and other public venues. Many college age church volunteers circulated the petition at Colorado St. Patrick’s Day Parades and college campuses.
“We were told that we needed to replace over 15,000 of our signatures,” commented Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We knew we could do it, because when you are working on such a critical, life and death issue, volunteers are passionate. We knew it would take a lot of hard work and determination, but we never expected such an outpouring of support. It is clear that the people of Colorado wanted to make a statement – that every human life should be protected by love and by law. This effort is more alive and vibrant than ever.”
“We’re so thankful for help from American Life League, Durago-based pro-life group LifeGuard, Personhood USA, and dozens of other pro-life organizations. With their help, we faced a daunting task and succeeded beyond our wildest expectations, glory be to God!” added Leslie Hanks, co-sponsor of the Personhood Amendment. “Now, we’re ready to begin campaigning for life and preparing for victory in November.”
For Interviews Call Keith Mason at 202-595-3500

Press Conference Today to Announce Personhood Signature Count, Also Announcing Plans to Sue Colorado Secretary Of State.

DENVER / Personhood USA / March 17 – Personhood Colorado has scheduled a press conference to announce plans for a lawsuit against the Secretary of State’s office. Immediately following the announcement, Personhood Colorado will reveal the number of signatures collected over the past 15 days and submit them to the Secretary of State.
Personhood Colorado has sponsored a ballot initiative to amend the State Constitution recognizing the Personhood rights of all humans, from their biological beginning to their natural death.
On March 4, the Colorado Secretary of State disclosed that 15,690 valid signatures would be due today March 18th. Personhood Colorado submitted 79,648 signatures on February 12th 2010, the Secretary of State deemed 20.63% of those signatures “invalid.”
As allowed by Colorado law, volunteers then had 15 days to replace the invalid signatures with new, voter signatures. That translated to over 1,000 signatures per day.
Press Conference Details:
WHO: Personhood Colorado
WHAT: Announcement regarding planned lawsuit and final signature count
WHERE: 1700 Broadway Street (in front of Wells Fargo Building)
WHEN: Thursday, March 18, 2010, at 2:00pm
For More Information Call:
Gualberto Garcia Jones or Keith Mason 303-456-2800

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