The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Colorado Personhood Ballot Initiative Must Replace 15,000 signatures in 15 Days

Colorado Personhood Ballot Initiative Must Replace 15,000 signatures in 15 Days
Denver, Colorado – The Colorado Secretary of State has disclosed that 15,690 of the 79,648 signatures submitted by Personhood Colorado were invalid. Beginning today, March 4, Personhood Colorado will have 15 days, per state initiative law, to replace the signatures.
Every ballot initiative campaign faces the challenge of validating signatures. Incorrect, illegible, or old addresses are typically the culprits, as petition signatures must match the recorded registered voter’s address.
“This is not unexpected news,” commented Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We anticipated that this 15 day curing period would be evoked, and we have been diligently preparing to get over 1,000 signatures each day of the 15 day period. It will be a challenge, but we are ready to get started.”
Personhood Colorado submitted 79,648 signatures on February 12. 76,047 valid signatures were required to put the measure on the 2010 ballot.
“On March 18, we fully expect to have 15,690 valid signatures to submit to the secretary of State’s office, ensuring that the Personhood Amendment is on the 2010 ballot,” continued Mason. “Once the amendment is on the ballot, we will see that every person is protected by love and by law.”
Personhood Colorado is required to submit 15,690 valid signatures of Colorado registered voters on March 18 by 3:00pm.
For More Information
Call 303-456-2800

Colorado Personhood Ballot Initiative Must Replace 15,000 signatures in 15 Days

The Colorado Secretary of State has disclosed that a little over 15,000 of the 79,817 signatures submitted by Personhood Colorado were invalid. Beginning today, March 4, Personhood Colorado will have 15 days, per state initiative law, to replace the signatures.

Every ballot initiative campaign faces the challenge of validating signatures. Incorrect, illegible, or old addresses are typically the culprits, as petition signatures must match the recorded registered voter’s address.

“This is not unexpected news,” commented Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We anticipated that this 15 day curing period would be evoked, and we have been diligently preparing to get over 1,000 signatures each day of the 15 day period. It will be a challenge, but we are ready to get started.”

Personhood Colorado submitted 79,817 signatures on February 12. 76,047 valid signatures were required to put the measure on the 2010 ballot.

“On March 18, we fully expect to have 15,000 valid signatures to submit to the secretary of State’s office, ensuring that the Personhood Amendment is on the 2010 ballot,” continued Mason. “Once the amendment is on the ballot, we will see that every person is protected by love and by law.”

Personhood Colorado is required to submit 15,690 valid signatures of Colorado registered voters on March 18 by 3:00pm.

Colorado goes into overtime, your support needed today!

Dear Allies In The Battle For Human Dignity, Wednesday 8:56 PM

Great things have happened in Colorado. We are in the epicenter of the Personhood explosion across the country! And that is largely because of your support and prayers! Thank you!

Now we need of you more than ever, the situation couldn’t be more critical!

I just got off the phone with the Secretary of State in Colorado. Even though we turned in over 79,000 signatures it was not enough. The SOS has thrown out 15,690 signatures he called “invalid”.

Now we have 15 days to mobilize our volunteers and finish the job. The good news is we are READY! We have been working to prepare and now we can finish the job. Our volunteers are working already to gather the15,690 signatures to finish the job.

The bad news: every single penny we have for Colorado has been spent. To mobilize our forces we critically need $9,425 TODAY!

There’s no time to spare, so I am counting on you to click here right now and contribute your best gift to finish the job in Colorado!

A volunteer called me a few days ago, and thanked us for doing this again. He is encouraged that we are willing to fight for the preborn no matter what! And he’s confident that 2010 will be a great year for ALL conservative issues.

I couldn’t agree more! The “political winds” are blowing like a hurricane in our direction. Every sane voter is fed up with the crazy liberals right now! 

That’s one reason it is critical to regain ballot access, but not the only one.

The most important reason for you to click here and contribute your very best gift today is the beautiful ministry and education that happens when personhood hits the ballot.

This year, and this vote, (IF we gain ballot access), will be huge for the tiny defenseless preborn persons and the adults who need to learn about the dignity of all people.

We already know what the pro-death industry will say, but their deceptions and scare tactics will not work this time!

So I write you today with utmost urgency. Can we count on you to help us with your best gift of $1,000 $300 or $50 right now? If 100 people could give $94.25 RIGHT NOW, we would have the funds we need to put gas in our tanks, send out communications and fully mobilize thousands of volunteers.

Will you be a part of this victory today? I pray so, would you pray and see what the Lord leads you to contribute?

God’s grace be with you,

Keith Mason
Personhood USA

PS feel free to call us with any questions at the Colorado Office 303-456-2800 and if you would like to rush a check in the mail you can do so by mailing it to:
PO Box 486
Arvada, Co 80001

To Contribute with your credit card follow this link:

Please come to the Colorado Petition Overtime Rallies THIS WEEKEND.

Attention faithful petitioners,

As you may have heard, we are about to begin “bonus time” for getting any signatures that were thrown out.

Soon, the Colorado Secretary of State will let us know how many errors he found and thus how many additional signatures we must get to make it on the ballot. We’ll have 15 days to make it happen.

Come join us at our “bonus time” kickoff rallies in Colorado Springs and Denver.

With Special Guest: Cal Zastrow Co Founder of Personhood USA
He will be in town to inspire and kick our butts!

Denver Rally
Saturday, Mar 6 at 3pm-5pm
Alma Temple
1340 Sherman Street
Denver, CO 80203…

Colorado Spring Rally
Sunday, Mar 7 at 3pm-5pm
Saint Dominic
331 Main St
Security, CO 80911

At each rally we will be getting signatures as a group afterwards, so get ready to be encouraged and to finish the job here in Colorado.

Hope to see you there, for more information call the office at 303-456-2800

Gualberto Garcia Jones


Personhood Colorado

Determined To Save The Soul Of The Nation

Determined To Save The Soul Of The Nation
Across the country, groundswells of Personhood efforts have already altered the focus of the pro-life movement, and over the President’s Day weekend, those efforts were realized.
In two key states, we gathered enough signatures to put “Personhood” on the ballot. This Personhood Movement and the initiatives it has produced have only one goal: To restore God given dignity to every human person.
I had the honor of attending victory rallies for Personhood in both Mississippi and Colorado. The fervent energy that burns in the hearts of the valiant advocates of Personhood was an encouragement that almost defies description! Although the rallies were held over one thousand miles apart, both possessed the same purpose that can only be present when Christians band together and sacrifice their time, talent and energy for the love and protection of their neighbors.
Following the examples of heroes like Rosa Parks and William Wilberforce, Colorado volunteers collected nearly 80,000 signatures to place the “Personhood Amendment” on the ballot for a second consecutive election. And this historic achievement was the result of the sweat and labor of purely grassroots volunteers. Just a few days later and with tears of joy, faithful volunteers delivered over 130,000 signatures to Mississippi’s Secretary of State, affirming the God-given right to life of all people. The boxes of dog eared petitions were carried into the office of the Secretary of State by mothers, daughters, fathers and sons, and most notably Mississippi’s Lt. Governor, and front-running 2011 gubernatorial candidate Phil Bryant!
We cannot know the exact effects these amendments will bring. But it is certain here and now that we have won major victories. Volunteers gathered over 200,000 signatures in two states. 2,500 churches opened their doors to the Personhood Movement. We boldly proclaimed to hundreds of thousands of people that all human life is sacred: asking and answering the provocative question: “When should human rights begin?”. While these are all victories in their own right —and are undeniable evidence of the power of this movement — there remains a larger accomplishment that I believe will prove most indelible upon the soul of the nation.
That victory, (and I believe the most significant fruit of the Personhood Movement) is the determination now manifest in the hearts of the thousands of volunteers who are making Personhood a reality. I felt its power lift my spirit with the strength of a three-fold cord at the victory rallies. Recognizing themselves in the tiniest among us, these Christians are engaging the culture around them and selflessly giving of their time, talents and money to affirm the God-given right of Personhood for all children including the pre-born.
Undaunted by anti-personhood naysayers, these volunteers have committed their hearts, and their hands to turn back the perpetration of the most diabolical crime ever committed; a crime that includes the dehumanization and murder of an entire class of citizens. It is this determination, built upon the firm pillars of science, religion, and the common conscience of all humanity that will bring victory over the injustice of abortion. We are witnessing the emerging dominance of the most significant human rights movement of our lifetime because Christians are engaging the culture with Personhood. And the culture is responding!
I’m overwhelmed to think of the hundreds of thousands of people reached with the message of Personhood by this young and growing army of dedicated volunteers. And with the increasing momentum of the Personhood argument comes ever more Personhood volunteers determined to communicate to millions the truth that every human is a person and should be protected by love and by law. Such determination is the real victory. And while, like the future effects of the law establishing Personhood, its ultimate impact remains to be fully revealed, this victory has convinced me that dignity shall be restored to all humans. Praise God!
Keith Mason
Co Founder - Personhood USA
Personhood USA is a grassroots, Christian organization founded to establish personhood efforts across America to create protection for every child by love and by law. Personhood USA is committed to assisting and supporting Personhood Legislation and Constitutional Amendments and building local pro-life organizations through raising awareness of the personhood of the pre-born.

Colorado Does it Again - Personhood Colorado Announces Successful Signature Campaign

DENVER / Christian Newswire / February 12 – Personhood Colorado submitted signatures to the Secretary of State’s office today for the Colorado Personhood Amendment. The signatures submitted totaled 79,817, although only 76,047 were required. All signatures are pending validation by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office.

“We are thrilled with these results. These signatures represent thousands of hours of hard work,” remarked Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the amendment. “All of our volunteers are 100% committed to seeing that the dignity and personhood of preborn babies is recognized in Colorado, and it shows.”

The proposed amendment states “Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

The signature campaign had hundreds of churches that petitioned repeatedly, along with over 1,000 petition circulators and even more volunteers. All signatures submitted were gathered by volunteers, and the campaign was 100% volunteer-run, with no paid petitioners or staff.

“Colorado is paving the way for personhood,” commented Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “Hundreds of thousands of Americans are catching the vision of personhood , and we expect that several other states will soon follow Colorado in putting personhood on the ballot.”

Once the signatures are verified by the Colorado Secretary of State, the amendment will be placed on the 2010 ballot and put to a vote.

“Our grassroots, volunteer campaign will continue to be a success, because we are working towards a very worthy cause – protecting the lives of innocent Colorado citizens,” Garcia-Jones continued. “The 79,817 signatures are an indicator that the people of Colorado are determined to protect innocent life; we will not rest until every child is protected by love and by law.”

Personhood Colorado is a grassroots organization comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment to the Colorado constitution.

Colorado Does it Again – Personhood Colorado Announces Successful Signature Campaign

Personhood Colorado submitted signatures to the Secretary of State’s office today for the Colorado Personhood Amendment. The signatures submitted totaled 79,817, although only 76,047 were required. All signatures are pending validation by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office.

“We are thrilled with these results. These signatures represent thousands of hours of hard work,” remarked Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the amendment. “All of our volunteers are 100% committed to seeing that the dignity and personhood of preborn babies is recognized in Colorado, and it shows.”

The proposed amendment states “Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

The signature campaign had hundreds of churches that petitioned repeatedly, along with over 1,000 petition circulators and even more volunteers. All signatures submitted were gathered by volunteers, and the campaign was 100% volunteer-run, with no paid petitioners or staff.

“Colorado is paving the way for personhood,” commented Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “Hundreds of thousands of Americans are catching the vision of personhood , and we expect that several other states will soon follow Colorado in putting personhood on the ballot.”

Once the signatures are verified by the Colorado Secretary of State, the amendment will be placed on the 2010 ballot and put to a vote.

“Our grassroots, volunteer campaign will continue to be a success, because we are working towards a very worthy cause – protecting the lives of innocent Colorado citizens,” Garcia-Jones continued. “The 79,817 signatures are an indicator that the people of Colorado are determined to protect innocent life; we will not rest until every child is protected by love and by law.”

Personhood Colorado is a grassroots organization comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment to the Colorado constitution.

Crunch Time Colorado!!!!!

Tomorrow, Friday Feb. 12th is the deadline for Personhood Colorado to turn in our pro-life signatures to get on the ballot!

We are within hundreds of signatures, so we need a few more signatures today, including yours!

Please come to one of these locations to sign or to pick up a petition for the 24 hours:

Mardel Christian Books: 4887 S. Wadsworth, Denver, CO 80123 (just north of Belleview). 720-394-8946

Personhood Colorado in Arvada: 8795 Ralston Rd., Suite 220, Arvada CO 80004 (between Kipling and Carr; Ralston is also 58th Ave) 303-456-2800

Colorado RTL: 1535 Grant Street, Suite 303, Denver CO 80203 (just north of the Capitol on Grant St) 303-753-9394

Crawford Broadcast Radio Studios: KLZ, KLDC, KLTT 2150 W. 29th Ave, Denver CO 80211 303-433-5500

Please come now, or by the close of business today!

And tomorrow at noon on Friday you can join the celebration downtown as we turn in the signatures, Lord willing! So come on out, and you can even bring any last-minute signatures with you! We’ll have a notary!

Friday at Noon: Join us at the Knights of Columbus Hall a block north of the Capitol at 1555 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203

But please, come today and sign a personhood petition at one of the four last-minute signing locations listed above: Mardel, Personhood Colorado, Colorado RTL, and Crawford Broadcasting.

Colorado Personhood Amendment Encounters Historical March for Life Success, Legal Setbacks

Colorado Personhood Amendment Encounters Historical March for Life Success, Legal Setbacks

Contact: Keith Mason, Personhood USA, 202-595-3500 ext. 1

DENVER, Jan. 25 /Christian Newswire/ — Friday’s Colorado March for Life, presented by Colorado Right to Life, was the largest in recent history, with marchers at the State Capitol numbering nearly 1,500. The march was marked by an unprecedented number of teens, with young people making up the majority of participants.

‘Personhood’ was the theme, with each speaker highlighting the need to recognize Personhood rights for preborn babies from the moment of their biological beginning. The Personhood USA slogan “Persons Not Property” was displayed prominently, and chants of “Roe v. Wade has got to go!” resounded through the streets surrounding the March.

The March for Life began with a press conference featuring film and television star Eduardo Verastegui. “I am here to support the Personhood movement, and to ask everyone to sign the petition so we can pass this amendment,” declared Verastegui. “Coming from Mexico, I come from a different perspective where the personhood movement is a reality…I am very proud to tell you that in over half of the country, 17 states already, life is protected from the moment of conception to natural death. I would love to see that reality here in America.”

Speakers included Maria Lancaster, a mom who adopted her daughter Elisha as a frozen embryo, Rebecca Keissling, author of “Conceived in Rape: A Story of Hope”, and Pastor Jim Shaddix from Riverside Baptist Church.

Prominent figures included Denver Bishop James D. Conley, Senator Scott Renfroe, Senator Dave Schultheis, Senator Kevin Lundberg, State Representative Amy Stephens, State Representative B.J. Nikkel, State Representative Cory Gardner, Tom Lucero, currently running for Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, and Jimmy Lakey, currently running for Colorado’s 7th Congressional District.

“It was amazing to see such a sizeable crowd standing as a witness for pre-born babies. The West side of the Capitol was filled to overflowing!” remarked Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the Colorado Personhood Amendment. “Volunteers returned hundreds of full petitions, and we passed out hundreds of blank petitions to both existing and new volunteers.”

Along with the large turnout and petition success came some negative news from the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office. The deadline date has changed from February 15th to February 12th, losing a critical weekend for the signature drive. “We are disappointed by this news, but not discouraged,” continued Garcia-Jones. “We will continue to work day and night to ensure we have the signatures needed to get on the ballot.”

Personhood Colorado Announces Roe v. Wade Memorial Press Conference with Star of Pro-Life Movie 'Bella'

Denver, CO January 18, 2010 – Personhood Colorado announces its upcoming press conference on the Roe v. Wade Memorial featuring the star of "Bella," winner of the People's Choice Award at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival.

Hollywood star Eduardo Verastegui will announce his support of the 2010 Colorado Personhood Amendment and comment on the recent success of Human Life Amendments in his native country of Mexico.

Verastegui will also urge all Colorado voters to sign the Personhood Petition.

*Who*: Eduardo Verastegui, star of film and television

*What*: Personhood Colorado Press Conference

*Where*: the West steps of the Colorado State Capitol

*When*: Friday, January 22, 2010 at 9:00AM

Press conference to precede Colorado March for Life, details to follow.

Contact: Keith Mason 303-459-4005

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